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Biden mistakes photo-op participant for a member of Congress

 January 20, 2024

President Joe Biden made an embarrassing error this week, mistaking an unidentified woman for Congresswoman Deborah Ross of North Carolina, who was not even present at the time.

Upon realizing the error, he promptly acknowledged, "I got it mixed up," as Newsmax reported.

The incident occurred while Biden was addressing an audience in the Tar Heel State on Thursday, highlighting his administration's economic agenda.

During his speech, he mistakenly confused a woman with whom he posed for a photo for Rep. Ross (NC-02), who was not present at the event.

The Washington Examiner reported that there was no immediate information available about the identity of the woman who had the photo opportunity with Biden.

Biden's Acknowledgment of the Mistake

In a light-hearted manner, President Biden acknowledged his mistake.

"I want to mention Congresswoman Deborah Ross, where's Deborah? I just had my picture taken with her, that's probably why she left," he quipped, before realizing his error.

"Oh, she couldn't be here, actually. That's not true. I got it mixed up," Biden admitted.

Concerns Over Biden's Fitness for Office

This incident adds to a series of public gaffes by President Biden, raising questions about his mental and physical capabilities.

At 81, Biden holds the record as the oldest serving U.S. president.

A notable slip-up occurred in September 2022, when Biden called out for the late Indiana GOP Rep. Jackie Walorski, who had passed away in a car accident that August.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre later attributed this to the tragic incident being "top of mind for the president."

Public Perception and Poll Results

A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted in November 2023 indicates a significant public concern about the president's age.

According to the survey, 77% of respondents, including 65% of Democrats, expressed doubts about Biden's suitability for the presidency due to his age.

Additionally, 39% of those surveyed were skeptical about his mental acuity for continuing in the executive role.

In defense of the president, Jean-Pierre stated, "Our perspective is that it's not about age, it's about the president's experience."

She emphasized the need to evaluate Biden based on his achievements rather than his age.