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Biden once again refused to acknowledge his grandchild from Arkansas

By Sarah May on
 May 27, 2023

President Joe Biden once again publicly failed to acknowledge the existence of one of his own grandchildren on Friday, telling a crowd assembled at the White House that he has “four granddaughters,” a tally that excludes Hunter Biden's youngest female child, as Fox News reports.

The omission, which occurred during an East Room reception for the women's NCAA basketball champion team from Louisiana State University, was just the latest instance in which the Biden family has seemingly pretended that four-year-old Navy Joan Roberts was never born.

“I've Got Four Granddaughters”

Biden's most recent denial of his youngest granddaughter came amid congratulatory remarks to the Tigers players during a traditional congratulatory event in D.C.

Speaking to the importance of women's athletics, Biden began, “Look, there's an awful lot – an awful lot to be proud of, and the way in which women's sports has come along is just incredible.”

The president continued, “And you're changing the – it's not just in sports. It's across the board, in every single thing, and it's really neat to see since I've got four granddaughters.”

Presumably, the commander in chief was referring to Natalie Biden, daughter of his late son, Beau Biden, and Hunter Biden's older daughters, Maisy, Naomi, and Finnegan.

Sin of Omission

However, Biden's Friday claim flies in the face of the fact that Hunter Biden's paternity as relates to Miss Navy Joan Roberts of Arkansas is no longer in dispute, with court-ordered DNA testing having already established that she is the child of the first son and former adult entertainer Lunden Roberts.

Even so, that has not stopped the president or first lady Jill Biden, from seemingly going out of their way to disregard the little girl, as was evident back in December, when a Whtie House Christmas stocking display included personalized decorations for all six of the couple's acknowledged grandchildren, with Navy's name conspicuously left out, as the New York Post noted.

Fox News legal contributor and George Washington Law School professor Jonathan Turley pointed out that even the Biden family pets were given their own stockings, but for Hunter's wee daughter, there was nothing.

What appears to be the president's intentional exclusion of Navy Joan Roberts from his family continued apace during a recent “Take Our Kids to Work Day” event at the White House, when Biden made reference to the “six” grandchildren about whom he is “crazy” and to whom he says he speaks regularly, again, leaving the little girl from Arkansas out of the mix.

Disowned by Daddy

President Biden's apparent disdain for the granddaughter he has reportedly never even met is exceeded by that of the girl's own father, with Hunter Biden going so far as to ask a judge to deny her the use of his last name, as the New York Post has reported separately.

Roberts petitioned a judge late last year to permit a name change for Navy so that she could bear the same last name as her powerful family, contending that it is “now synonymous with being well educated, successful, financially acute and politically powerful."

Navy's mother also underscored the fact that “this child's father was a wildly successful businessman,” her late uncle was “a man of high moral character, loved and well-regarded by all,” and that her grandfather has served as vice president and president of the United States.

Hunter, however, remained staunchly opposed to giving the girl his name, saying that to do so would bring nothing but scorn and a lifetime of scrutiny upon her, ultimately depriving her of a “peaceful existence,” and he has also attempted to secure a reduction in the amount of child support he is required to pay.

“Utter Depravity”

That Joe and Jill Biden would sign on to the notion that it is perfectly acceptable to shun and deny their own granddaughter has drawn increasing notice – and criticism – from commentators such as Turley, who has declared that “the viciousness of the Biden family in dealing with this little girl is only matched by that of the media.”

The noted legal scholar has called attention to the hypocrisy of many in the mainstream media, observing, “Reporters who profess to support women and denounce deadbeat dads have either ignored this story or belittled [Navy's} mother, Lunden Roberts.”

“It is hard to imagine the pain that this child will experience upon learning of how the Bidens erased any reference to her and fought even her ability to claim to be a member of their family,” Turley opined.

Emphasizing what he views as the blatantly disgraceful conduct in which the entire family has engaged regarding this matter, Turley added, “If one were to combine all of Hunter's influence peddling, drug abuse, orgies and prostitution controversies, they would not hold a candle to the utter depravity shown toward this little girl.” However, given Friday's comments from the president, a course correction does not appear to be on the cards anytime soon.