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Biden Resentful as Democrats Plan His 2024 Exit Amidst Grand Sendoff

 August 15, 2024

President Joe Biden is reportedly frustrated with key Democratic figures who pushed him out of the 2024 presidential race, particularly former President Barack Obama and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Sources say their behind-the-scenes efforts were crucial in steering the party away from Biden’s re-election bid. Despite these tensions, the Democratic Party plans a grand sendoff for Biden at the upcoming Democratic National Convention (DNC), Fox News reported.

Biden’s discontent contrasts with the party's celebratory plans, as Fox News reported. His frustration mainly stems from Obama's covert influence on his exit, which Biden feels was disrespectful, especially given their long-standing relationship.

Pelosi's Influence on Biden's Withdrawal

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom Biden views as a major force behind his withdrawal, is a focal point of his discontent. Sources describe Biden’s view of Pelosi as "ruthless," especially following the events in July. Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are believed to have played a key role in persuading Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race.

Despite Biden’s apparent bitterness, the White House has not commented on his frustration, leaving much to speculation and insider reports.

Grand Sendoff Planned for Biden at DNC

As the Democratic Party prepares for the DNC, it plans a large celebratory sendoff for Biden, highlighting the contrast between the party’s public appreciation and private tensions. The schedule includes Biden’s address on Monday, followed by former Presidents Obama and Clinton on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.

Vice President Kamala Harris will speak on Thursday, marking the formal transition to her leadership with running mate Tim Walz. This lineup underscores the party’s strategic shift towards the future while honoring Biden’s contributions.

Pelosi's Remarks Emphasize Biden's Legacy

Nancy Pelosi has stressed the need to win the upcoming election to sustain Biden’s legacy, emphasizing the importance of continuing his achievements under Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Her statements have praised Biden as a patriotic leader who has always prioritized the country’s needs.

"President Joe Biden is a patriotic American who has always put our country first. His legacy of vision, values, and leadership make him one of the most consequential Presidents in American history," Pelosi said. She also expressed admiration for Biden and described the deep respect and affection she and her family have for him and First Lady Jill Biden.

Biden's Complicated Relationship with the Democratic Party

Pelosi’s statements, though warm and grateful, highlight the complex relationship between Biden and the Democratic Party's leadership. The decision to push Biden out of the 2024 race, framed as a strategic move, has clearly affected him, with Biden reportedly viewing Pelosi as "ruthless."

The upcoming DNC marks a key moment in the party’s history, balancing a celebration of Biden's achievements with a transition to new leadership. The tension between Biden's personal feelings and the party's public celebration will likely remain a point of interest as the convention unfolds.

The Path Forward for the Democratic Party

As the Democratic Party prepares for the 2024 election, the focus will shift towards unifying behind Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Pelosi’s comments underscore the party's commitment to building on Biden’s legacy and expanding his achievements in the next administration.

"For the most important thing we have to do is to win the election, just to sustain his legacy and to have the legacy be to do even more in the presidency and the vice presidency of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz," Pelosi emphasized, highlighting the party's forward-looking strategy.

Conclusion: Biden's Exit and the Future of the Party

In conclusion, President Biden’s reported frustration with key Democratic figures highlights the complex dynamics within the party as it transitions. Although Biden will receive a grand sendoff at the DNC, his feelings of being pushed out cast a shadow over the event.

Meanwhile, the party focuses on winning the next election to secure Biden's legacy, with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz leading the charge. The DNC will be pivotal in both honoring Biden and shaping the party’s future.