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Biden targeting ceiling fans as part of radical environmental agenda

 August 26, 2023

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is under the spotlight for proposing stricter energy guidelines for ceiling fans, promising energy savings for households.

While the department insists that the new standards will benefit consumers in the long run, several Republicans have voiced grave concerns, suggesting that these regulations could potentially drive small fan manufacturers out of business, as the Daily Mail reported.

Proposed Guidelines

According to the proposed guidelines, there will be a decrease in the maximum energy consumption levels for specific types of ceiling fans.

The DOE claims these new energy-efficient fans will enable households to save approximately $39 throughout the fan's lifecycle, which translates to about a 40% saving.

Moreover, consumers can expect to pay an additional $10 for each energy-efficient fan, a cost which the governnment believes will be recouped within four years.

However, the department indicated that the additional equipment expenses for manufacturers would amount to an annual cost of $86.6 million.

Republican Concerns Voiced

Roger Williams, a Texas Republican who helms the House Small Business Committee, has voiced his concerns over these guidelines. Addressing Jennifer Granholm, the Biden administration's energy secretary, Williams and his team highlighted potential dangers for small fan manufacturers.

Their correspondence states that several small-scale fan producers might need a complete product redesign to align with these rules, risking the shutdown of 10 to 30% of these businesses.

The committee also emphasized, "It appears that the Department of Energy (DOE) may not have properly considered small entities during this rulemaking process."

Williams also presented a list of additional queries to Granholm. His questions aimed to understand the proposal's specifics, along with the department's plans for manufacturers who produce fans that do not align with the new standards.

Department of Energy's Defense

Defending the agency's stance, a DOE spokesperson commented on the ample grace period given to manufacturers -- a full five years to upgrade their operations -- claiming the move would reduce air pollution, Fox Business reported.

The spokesperson highlighted that this initiative aligns with a commitment the president made upon his inauguration, asking the department to undertake significant amendments to existing appliance regulations, including those set during the Trump era.

Subsequently, the department laid out plans to review various energy efficiency rules that influence a range of appliances, from water heaters to lamps.

Officials stated, "These proposed standards, which are required by Congress, wouldn't take effect until 2028, would give Americans more energy efficient options to choose from, and would save hardworking taxpayers up to $369 million per year, while substantially reducing harmful air pollution –- a crucial fact that some have conveniently failed to mention."

Criticisms Rise Amid New Appliance Regulations

Earlier in the year, the DOE stirred up controversy while hinting at more rigorous efficiency standards for gas stoves, focusing on emission reductions.

In January 2023, the Consumer Product Safety Commission attempted to clarify its stance on the gas appliances. They mentioned not wanting to ban them, but said officials are actively working on establishing performance and safety benchmarks.

Despite these assurances, critics argue that the Biden administration is pushing boundaries. Detractors believe this might be an overextension of authority, with unnecessary constraints affecting individual household choices.