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Biden's Cabinet Stands By Him Amid Jill Biden's Meeting Role

 September 25, 2024

President Joe Biden’s Cabinet meeting on Friday marked a historic moment as First Lady Jill Biden attended and addressed the group for the first time. Her presence stirred attention as she spoke for four-and-a-half minutes about women’s health research initiatives. President Biden opened the meeting with brief remarks before passing the floor to his wife, an unusual move that drew both praise and criticism.

Cabinet members rallied around Biden, reaffirming their support for his leadership despite the criticisms about the First Lady’s role in the meeting, Fox News reported.

The Cabinet convened for the first time since early October, focusing largely on domestic initiatives, including health care, job creation, and housing. The highlight, however, was Jill Biden’s introduction of the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research, an issue she is spearheading. President Biden noted that first ladies have historically attended Cabinet meetings for specific purposes, emphasizing the importance of the health initiative she presented.

Cabinet Officials Praise Biden’s Leadership

The President’s Cabinet members quickly reaffirmed their confidence in his leadership. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg was among the first to publicly praise Biden’s accomplishments, especially his focus on job creation and infrastructure. “President Biden continues to be an exceptionally effective president,” Buttigieg stated, as he cited record job creation, infrastructure development, and increased domestic manufacturing as key achievements.

Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo echoed similar sentiments. “President Biden is one of the most accomplished presidents in American history,” she remarked. Raimondo, who has worked closely with Biden on economic and trade matters, described him as an “incisive and extraordinary leader” whose calm leadership has steered the country through turbulent times.

Healthcare Successes Highlighted by HHS Secretary

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra also joined the growing chorus of support for Biden. He underscored Biden’s success in managing the COVID-19 pandemic and improving access to health care. Becerra stated that the administration has administered 700 million vaccine doses, ensuring that more Americans are covered by health insurance than ever before.

“He’s proving that he’s fit to lead,” Becerra said, responding to recent questions about Biden’s health and age. The Secretary also noted that Biden’s leadership has brought the U.S. economy back from the brink of the pandemic’s devastation, pointing to the rebound in the employment rate and improved access to health care.

Affordable Housing Initiative Recognized

Adrianne Todman, acting secretary of Housing and Urban Development, also commended the President’s leadership during the meeting. She noted that Biden laid out clear expectations for the Cabinet in the coming months, focusing strongly on delivering the administration’s housing initiatives. Under Biden’s leadership, Todman explained, HUD has secured historic levels of funding aimed at expanding affordable housing for Americans.

“President Biden charged us with not only continuing to get the historic levels of funding he secured out the door but ensuring that those funds are being put to work to help the American people,” Todman said.

Comparisons To Past First Ladies Surface

Jill Biden’s appearance at the Cabinet meeting sparked comparisons to past first ladies, particularly Edith Wilson, who controlled access to her husband, President Woodrow Wilson, following his stroke in 1919. While Jill Biden limited her role to speaking on a specific initiative, her involvement in such a high-level meeting triggered debates over her influence within the administration.

The New York Post noted her increasing role in shaping policy discussions, particularly around education and health care. Some observers have lauded Jill Biden’s initiatives, while others have expressed concern over her growing visibility in the administration’s decision-making processes.

Critics Respond To First Lady’s Role

Critics did not overlook the First Lady’s participation in the meeting. On social media, commentators questioned whether her presence signaled an overreach of her influence. Critics suggested that her involvement in high-level discussions should be limited, sparking a controversy that gained traction across various platforms.

Despite the backlash, the White House defended Jill Biden’s role, highlighting her experience and advocacy for women’s health issues. President Biden’s comments at the meeting indicated that his wife’s expertise on maternal health made her a valuable contributor to the Cabinet discussion.

Cabinet Stands United Amid Controversy

In the face of the criticism, President Biden’s Cabinet members remained united in their support for his leadership. Key officials, including Buttigieg, Raimondo, Becerra, and Todman, emphasized that Biden’s experience and steady hand were essential to the administration’s success.

The meeting concluded with Cabinet members reaffirming the administration’s commitment to tackling the issues at hand, from job creation to expanding access to affordable housing. Despite the controversies surrounding the First Lady’s involvement, the Cabinet praised Biden’s leadership firmly.