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Blaze News' Steve Baker released from courthouse after controversial FBI arrest

 March 3, 2024

Blaze News correspondent Steve Baker was discharged from a federal courthouse in Dallas following his apprehension due to his investigative work on the events of Jan. 6, 2021.

Baker, a dedicated journalist, has long been probing into the occurrences of that day, expressing concerns that the U.S. government has singled him out for his investigative efforts.

On this occasion, he faced four misdemeanor charges stemming from his presence at the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 coverage after voluntarily surrendering to the FBI in Dallas,

The charges against him include unauthorized entry into restricted areas, disruptive conduct in both a restricted and the Capitol building, and demonstrating within the Capitol premises, as  The Blaze reported.

The Court Appearance

During his court appearance, Baker was seen in formal attire. He was restrained with handcuffs and leg shackles. Thus, this signals his temporary custody status.

Jill Savage, a fellow contributor at BlazeTV, shared her observations upon leaving the courtroom alongside Baker. This highlights the physical constraints he endured.

Despite the circumstances, Baker's release was anticipated the same day. A forthcoming hearing was scheduled in Washington, D.C. on Mar. 14.

The revelation of the charges against Baker was a recent development. In fact, this was previously unknown to him until his attorney was informed shortly before the public announcement.

Reaction to the Arrest

The arrest of Steve Baker has elicited reactions from several prominent figures. The perceived implications for journalistic freedom and democracy have been emphasized.

Donald Trump Jr. sarcastically commented on the situation. Ironically, he suggested an approach to preserving democracy by arresting journalists.

Similarly, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy criticized the narrative of defending democracy while undermining press freedom.

The Federalists' co-founder, Sean Davis, lamented the transformation of American freedoms, drawing parallels with authoritarian practices.

Mark R Levin, a news analyst, termed the situation indicative of an overreaching state apparatus under the current administration.

James Lee Bright, Baker's attorney, described the withholding of charge details as highly unusual, expressing disturbance over the federal government's pursuit of journalists who were conducting their professional duties during the events of Jan. 6.

Baker himself, reflecting on the government's approach, shared a conversation with another attorney, William Shipley, suggesting a retaliatory motive behind the legal actions due to Baker's persistent investigative reporting.