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Border Patrol union: Biden has 'burned the border to the ground'

 March 1, 2024

The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) has accused President Joe Biden of severely mishandling border affairs, starkly contrasting his approach with former President Donald Trump's.

The NBPC representing a large number of U.S. Border Patrol agents and support personnel, has openly criticized Biden's handling of border issues, asserting that he has "burned the border to the ground." The union contrasts Biden's approach with the respect and support they claim Trump showed toward border patrol agents, as reported by Breitbart.

Union outlines differences between presidential treatments

The NBPC's statements on social media underline the group's perspective on the contrasting approaches of the two leaders.

According to the union, Trump's tenure was marked by respect and support for border patrol agents, valuing their insights and mission.

In contrast, the union accuses President Biden of making false accusations against agents, thereby undermining their work and the broader border security efforts.

This criticism comes amidst the backdrop of the upcoming presidential campaign, with both Biden and Trump making visits to the U.S. southern border in Texas. The timing of these visits and the political narratives surrounding them further highlight the contentious nature of border security discussions in the current political climate.

The union's statement read:

President Trump treats BP agents with respect, supports their mission and listens to their ideas. Biden falsely accuses agents of crimes, burned the border to the ground and only listens to his radical leftist base. See the difference?

Controversial accusations and political maneuvers

The union references a specific incident from 2021 in which President Biden made allegations against Border Patrol agents in the Del Rio Sector, which were later contested.

These accusations, according to the NBPC, are part of a broader pattern of behavior from the Biden administration that they find objectionable.

Biden's political strategy, particularly in relation to border issues, has been to place blame on Republicans, a stance he reiterated during a recent visit to Brownsville, Texas.

However, the NBPC notes that public opinion, as reflected in a Harvard-Harris poll, may not align with Biden's narrative, with a majority supporting Trump's position on migration legislation.

Exclusion and criticism of Biden's border visit

The NBPC expressed further discontent with the Biden administration for not extending an invitation to its president, Brandon Judd, during a border visit, a courtesy that was extended by Trump.

This exclusion is seen by the union as indicative of the administration's disregard for its membership's perspective and the operational realities at the border.

Judd has lambasted the Biden administration to neglect the border throughout his presidency. He said:

He had three years to put policies in place. Now we’re only eight months from an election and now it looks like he’s interested, and he’s only interested in it because it’s self-serving and he wants to save himself.

The union's dissatisfaction is not just with the administration's policies but also with the perceived political motivations behind Biden's actions.

Judd's comments reflect a belief that the administration's recent interest in border issues is driven more by electoral considerations than by a genuine commitment to addressing the challenges faced by border patrol agents.

Biden's policies under scrutiny by border patrol union

In addition to the criticism of Biden's visit and his administration's policies, the NBPC has issued stark warnings about the implications of these policies for border security and migrant-related crime.

The union's strong language on social media suggests a deep concern about the potential long-term impacts of the current administration's approach to border management and immigration enforcement.

As the political debate over border security intensifies, the NBPC's statements and the contrasting visits of Biden and Trump to the Texas border encapsulate the deeply polarized nature of this issue.

The union's outspoken criticism of Biden and its alignment with Trump's policies highlight the significant challenges and divisions that continue to characterize the U.S. immigration debate.


  • The National Border Patrol Council accuses President Joe Biden of severely mishandling border affairs, starkly contrasting his approach with former President Donald Trump's.
  • The union highlights a respectful and supportive treatment of border patrol agents under Trump, versus Biden's alleged false accusations and neglect of border security.
  • Amidst the upcoming presidential campaign, the differing visits to the U.S. Southern border by Biden and Trump underscore the contentious nature of border security discussions.
  • The NBPC's public statements and social media posts emphasize the perceived differences in presidential attitudes towards border patrol agents and their mission.
  • Controversy surrounds Biden's past allegations against Border Patrol agents, contributing to the union's criticism of his administration's approach to border issues.
  • Biden's political strategy of blaming Republicans for border problems is contested by the NBPC, citing public opinion that may not align with his narrative.