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Britney Spears demands apology after alleged assault by NBA player’s security

 July 8, 2023

Pop singer Brittney Spears is demanding an apology after a security officer for newly drafted NBA star Victor Wembanyamar reportedly slapped her when she approached the player.

Spears filed a police report following the incident on Wednesday following the reports.

The player's response

Wembanyamar addressed the reports on Thursday following the allegations.

“So people calling me obviously, there was one person, one person who was was calling me, but we talked before with the security, don’t stop because it’s going to make a crowd. So I couldn’t stop,” he said.

“And that person grabbed me from behind. So I didn’t see, I didn’t see what happened, because I was walking straight … but that person grabbed me from behind. Not on my shoulder. She grabbed me from behind.”

“So I just know that the security push her away, I don’t know with how with how much force though,” he said.

Spears Speaks Out

“I recognized an athlete in my hotel lobby as I was heading to dinner. I later went to a restaurant at a different hotel and saw him again. I decided to approach him and congratulate him on his success. It was really loud, so I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. I am aware of the player’s statement where he mentions ‘I grabbed him from behind,’ but I simply tapped him on the shoulder," Spears stated.

“His security then back-handed me in the face without looking back, in front of a crowd,” she continued. “Nearly knocking me down and causing my glasses [to fall] off my face.”

The Original Story

The original story was reported by TMZ following the alleged incident.

"Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, the man listed on the police report as the one who slapped Britney is Damian Smith, the Director of Team Security for the Spurs," the outlet stated.

"Our sources say it is not being handled as a criminal matter, because cops determined Smith was not trying to hurt Britney but rather defend Victor Wembanyama," it added.

Brittney's Response

"I think it's important to share this story," she said, "and to urge people in the public eye to set an example and treat all people with respect."

Britney continued, "Physical violence is happening too much in this world. Often behind closed doors. I stand with all the victims and my heart goes out to all of you!!!"

The high-profile incident has made for much media attention but it appears the concerns were about the NBA player's stronghanded security rather than any attempt at harm.