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Kamala Harris Offered Cornel West Job in Exchange for Exiting Race: Report

 August 28, 2024

Dr. Cornel West, an independent left-wing presidential candidate, has made a startling accusation regarding Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign.

According to West, the Harris campaign offered him a job in her potential administration and financial incentives to cover his campaign debts if he agreed to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race, a claim he made during an interview with journalist Jordan Chariton on the Status Coup News podcast, as Breitbart reports.

The claim has added a new layer of intrigue to the already complex dynamics of the 2024 presidential race.

West, known for his outspoken political views and as a prominent figure in the progressive movement, discussed the alleged offer on a Friday following the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

He described the discussions that took place, indicating that he was approached with proposals to exit the race, particularly in the context of a potential endorsement of former President Donald Trump by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Harris Campaign Allegedly Sought West's Withdrawal

During the podcast, West explained that several individuals reached out to him with the intention of persuading him to step aside and support what they framed as a significant and historic moment, especially one of importance to the Black community.

However, West stated that he was not swayed by these offers, emphasizing that such tactics were not aligned with his principles or the reasons behind his candidacy.

West detailed that he was presented with “serious, substantive discussions” that included both potential positions within the Harris administration and financial incentives, including the payment of his campaign debts. Despite these enticements, West made it clear that he was not interested, asserting that his campaign was about more than personal gain.

West Reaffirms Commitment to Candidacy

In the interview, West expressed his frustration with the political maneuvering, stating, “I told them, I said you all just talking to the wrong brother. You can offer resources or position or what have you—that’s not what I’m all about. That’s not the game I play…” This statement underscored his commitment to his campaign and his refusal to be swayed by offers that, in his view, compromise his integrity.

Chariton, the interviewer, pressed West for more details about the offers, asking if he had been promised a cabinet position or other roles within a potential Harris administration. While West declined to provide specific details, he did confirm that the discussions included offers of high-level positions and the payment of campaign debts, adding a significant layer of credibility to his claims.

West's Campaign Secures Ballot Access in Key States

On Tuesday, following the interview, West's campaign released a statement announcing their successful efforts to secure ballot access in 18 states, including seven crucial battleground states: Michigan, Georgia, Minnesota, Florida, Wisconsin, Virginia, and North Carolina. This accomplishment reflects the campaign’s continued momentum, despite the challenges posed by the political establishment.

The statement highlighted the importance of these battleground states in the upcoming election and reaffirmed West's intention to continue his campaign through to the election. This development is particularly significant as it suggests that West is not only committed to remaining in the race but also has the infrastructure in place to do so effectively.

Historical Context of Political Offers

West’s allegations recall a similar incident during the Obama administration when the White House reportedly tried to convince Rep. Joe Sestak not to run for Senate in Pennsylvania by offering him a job. In that case, former President Bill Clinton was used as an intermediary. While the specifics of West's claims are unique, the underlying tactics appear to be part of a broader pattern within American politics.

As the 2024 election approaches, the political landscape continues to shift, with candidates like West challenging the status quo and pushing back against the traditional power structures within both major parties.

His allegations against the Harris campaign, whether fully substantiated or not, contribute to the ongoing narrative of a political system in which backroom deals and strategic offers are not uncommon.

Conclusion: A Tense and Uncertain Political Climate

In summary, Dr. Cornel West's recent allegations against Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign have sparked significant controversy and debate. The claims that West was offered a job and financial incentives to drop out of the 2024 presidential race have brought new attention to his candidacy and the broader dynamics of the election.

As West's campaign continues to gain traction, particularly in key battleground states, the political establishment may face further challenges from independent and third-party candidates who refuse to play by the conventional rules.

These developments underscore the tense and uncertain political climate as the 2024 presidential race heats up, with many voters and observers keenly watching how these allegations might influence the outcome of the election.