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Capehart: Debate Format Hindered Harris’s Detailing, Clinton Criticized for Excess Plans

 September 15, 2024
Jonathan Capehart recently discussed on PBS NewsHour the challenges Vice President Kamala Harris faces in conveying detailed policies during debates. He contrasted this with the overtly detailed approach of Hillary Clinton in 2016, as reported by Breitbart.During the segment on "PBS NewsHour," Capehart explored the nuances of debate formats that often limit detailed discussions of policy. He reflected on Kamala Harris's recent presidential debate performance and highlighted the constraints she encountered.

Capehart pointed out that current debate settings limit extensive policy exposition, leading to criticisms of Harris for not being sufficiently detailed. He argued that this is a systemic issue with debates rather than a fault of the candidates.

Capehart Draws Comparisons Between Harris and Clinton

The commentator drew parallels between Harris and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Capehart noted that while people criticized Clinton in 2016 for presenting too many plans, Harris now faces scrutiny for not offering enough detail during debates.

“Hillary Clinton was blasted, criticized by a lot of people for having too many plans, too many policies,” Capehart remarked. He suggested that this stark contrast in criticism highlights a broader issue with public and media expectations from presidential candidates during debates.

This comparison sheds light on the evolving nature of political debates and the varied expectations that candidates must navigate.

Harris's Detailed Policies on the Campaign Trail

Capehart also pointed out that despite the criticisms of her debate performances, Harris has been quite specific on the campaign trail, particularly concerning her vision of an "opportunity economy."

He criticized the debate format for not allowing Harris to delve deeply into her policies, which she has elaborated on during campaign rallies. “Where — and this is, I think, the fault of debates these days — anyone who was expecting a deep dive in policy at this debate was — had their expectation — they had the wrong expectations,” he explained.

The commentary underscores the difference between rally and debate formats, with the latter often not providing enough time for detailed discussions.

Co-Host Amna Nawaz Questions Harris's Clarity in Debate

Amna Nawaz, co-hosting the segment, questioned whether Vice President Harris had clearly articulated her leadership qualities and policy plans during the debate.

Capehart responded by highlighting Harris's extensive political background and her ability to handle high-pressure situations, as demonstrated in her debate performance. “On the one hand, she answered questions that people had, because Donald Trump and Republicans spent a lot of time degrading her, questioning her intelligence, questioning her abilities, questioning her accomplishments, downplaying the fact that she has run for [elected] office, citywide in San Francisco, statewide in California, statewide for A.G. and Senate, and nationwide as Vice President,” he stated.

The discussion then focused on Harris's response to ongoing criticisms and her demonstration of competence on the national debate stage.

Public Expectations and Media Criticism

The debate about debates continues as public figures like Capehart highlight the discrepancies between expectations for detailed policy discussions and the reality of what debates currently offer.

Capehart’s insights emphasize the challenge candidates face in navigating these expectations while trying to effectively communicate their visions and policies within the constraints of the debate formats.

As the political season heats up, these discussions illuminate the essential aspects of campaign strategies and the role of media in shaping public perception.