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Clarence Thomas' prior remarks suggest he will retire when he becomes as bad at his job as critic John Oliver is at his own

 February 22, 2024

If Clarence Thomas' previous statements are any indication, the Supreme Court justice shows no intention of complying with Canadian funnyman John Oliver's demand for him to "get the f*** off the Supreme Court."

On Sunday, Oliver offered Thomas a $1 million annual payment and a new $2.4 million Prevost luxury motor coach if he w0uld simpy retire from the Supreme Court, as The Blaze reported.

Oliver's Proposal to Justice Thomas

Oliver's humorless monologue reiterated numerous debunked accusations and insinuations suggesting Thomas' involvement in unethical behavior.

He said, "Justice Thomas, we have a special offer for you tonight: We are prepared to offer you $1 million a year — for the rest of your life — if you simply agree to leave the Supreme Court immediately and never come back."

Oliver commented on the numerous responsibilities and controversies surrounding Justice Thomas, including his involvement in cases that would allegedly undermine women's rights.

He also blasted Thomas' participation in hearings related to the events of Jan. 6, which he suggested represent a conflict of interest, and his potential role in reversing long-standing federal regulations.

Oliver opined that Thomas might benefit from distancing himself from the hostility of Washington, proposing a retreat to a life among the ordinary people whose lives have been significantly impacted by his judicial decisions over the years.

Following the rundown of the motor coach's features, Oliver implied that Thomas is influenced by his "friends," purportedly individuals inhabiting "boardrooms," cruising on "mega yachts," and venerating "Hitler shrines."

"So that's the offer: $1 million a year and a brand-new condo on wheels," Oliver said.

He added, "All you have to do in return is sign the contract and get the f*** off the Supreme Court."

Thomas' Principled Response

Reacting to the widespread attention garnered by Oliver's proposition, Carrie Severino, a former law clerk for Thomas, reminded the public of a potent statement made by Thomas two years prior.

Addressing his critics, Thomas had articulated a sharp rebuke, stating, "One of the things I'd say in response to the media is when they talk about — especially early on — about the way I did my job, I said, 'I will absolutely leave the court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours.'"

This retort from Thomas underscores his unwavering resolve and dedication to his judicial responsibilities, unaffected by external critiques or controversial retirement offers.

Thomas is unlikely to address Oliver's remarks directly. However, it's safe to assume that Thomas's position remains unchanged by the situation.