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CNN Calls Out Harris for Featuring Trump’s Border Wall in Campaign Ads

 September 6, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris, who previously condemned former President Donald Trump’s border wall as racist and un-American, has begun using footage of the wall in her latest political ads for her 2024 presidential campaign.

This move has sparked conversation, particularly given her historical stance on the controversial immigration measure, with CNN joining the chorus of condemnation over the decision, as the Daily Wire reports.

Harris’ campaign ads now showcase the border wall, despite her longstanding opposition to it and frequent criticisms of Trump’s immigration policies.

Since her first days in the political spotlight, Harris has voiced strong disapproval of Trump's border wall. Between 2017 and 2021, she criticized the wall over 50 times on social media, framing it as a divisive symbol that went against American values. In her 2019 book, she further detailed her opposition, arguing that the wall was merely a monument aimed at excluding people from the country.

Past Criticisms Resurface as Campaign Uses Wall Footage

CNN anchor Erin Burnett highlighted this contradiction during a recent broadcast, pointing out that Harris had repeatedly attacked the wall in public forums. Burnett’s comments centered on how Harris had made the wall a central point of her critique against Trump’s immigration policy and was now incorporating footage of that very wall in her own ads.

“But now, new Harris campaign ads actually showcase that very wall,” Burnett remarked, emphasizing the irony of the situation. Burnett's segment dissected the shift, acknowledging how surprising it was for Harris to now use imagery she once vilified.

This surprising turn of events marks a noticeable change in Harris’ political approach as she assumes the lead for the Democratic ticket in the 2024 race following President Joe Biden’s removal from the ticket in late July.

Harris Attempts to Distance Herself from Biden’s Border Policies

As Harris pushes forward with her 2024 campaign, it seems she is trying to distance herself from the Biden administration’s more open-border approach. The decision to include footage of the border wall may be part of an attempt to appeal to voters concerned about immigration policies, especially given recent highly publicized violent crimes tied to illegal aliens.

While Harris has traditionally advocated for more progressive immigration reforms, the campaign's strategy appears to be evolving as polls reveal that a majority of Americans favor stricter immigration enforcement. This includes support for elements of Trump’s border wall, a stance that might explain Harris’ pivot toward using the wall in her campaign visuals.

Public Opinion Plays Key Role

Public sentiment on immigration has shifted in recent years, with many Americans calling for stronger enforcement at the border. Polling data reflects that a significant portion of the electorate wants to see more aggressive measures to prevent illegal immigration. This public opinion may be one of the driving forces behind Harris’ use of the wall in her ads, as it signals a potential softening of her previously hardline stance against border security measures.

For Harris, the inclusion of the border wall footage may be an effort to align her campaign with more centrist views, particularly as violent incidents involving illegal immigrants have made headlines during her time in office. As the primary campaign heats up, her decision to distance herself from the Biden administration’s policies while simultaneously incorporating elements of Trump’s immigration strategy has sparked debate among political analysts and voters alike.

Harris' History with Border Policy

Harris’ opposition to the wall is well documented. In her 2019 book, she described it as a “useless wall” that stood in opposition to the core values of the United States. She argued that the wall symbolized exclusion and fear, rather than security and unity. “How could I vote to build what would be little more than a monument, designed to send the cold, hard message, ‘Keep out?’” she wrote.

Her vocal opposition to Trump’s immigration policies extended beyond the wall. As a senator, Harris frequently opposed many of Trump’s border initiatives, viewing them as harsh and ineffective. However, in her new role as the face of the Democratic Party’s 2024 campaign, the changing political landscape appears to be influencing her campaign strategy.

The Campaign’s Approach Signals New Strategy

The decision to feature Trump’s border wall in Harris’ ads suggests a calculated shift in messaging aimed at capturing broader support. With immigration continuing to be a pivotal issue for many voters, Harris is navigating the fine line between her past opposition and the current reality of voter concerns.

Whether this strategic move will resonate with the American electorate remains to be seen, but it underscores the challenges she faces in appealing to both progressive voters and those advocating for stronger border security.


Kamala Harris’ decision to incorporate footage of Trump’s border wall into her 2024 presidential campaign ads has raised eyebrows, particularly given her long-standing opposition to the wall.

CNN’s Erin Burnett highlighted this contrast, bringing attention to how Harris once called the wall racist and un-American.

As she continues her campaign, distancing herself from Biden’s border policies while acknowledging public sentiment around immigration enforcement seems central to her strategy.

This shift comes amid growing concerns about illegal immigration and its impact on the nation’s security, making immigration a key issue in the upcoming election.