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CNN Says Harris' Claims About Trump's Manufacturing Record Inaccurate

 September 28, 2024

During an interview on MSNBC, Vice President Kamala Harris made several bold claims regarding Donald Trump's handling of the U.S. economy, particularly in the manufacturing sector, asserting that Trump had lost 200,000 manufacturing jobs even before the COVID-19 pandemic.

This statement, however, has sparked controversy due to questions about its accuracy, and the VP then went on to suggest that Trump presided over one of the worst economic downturns since the Great Depression, with CNN even stepping in to fact-check the statements, as the Post Millennial reports.

CNN Refutes Harris’ Manufacturing Job Claim

CNN fact-checked Harris’ claim about manufacturing jobs and found it inaccurate. According to their analysis, the Trump administration actually added 414,000 manufacturing jobs between the start of his presidency in January 2017 and February 2020, just before the pandemic began.

Harris' statement that 200,000 manufacturing jobs were lost under Trump before the pandemic is contradicted by these numbers. However, the pandemic, which resulted in nationwide economic shutdowns, caused a significant loss of manufacturing jobs in April 2020.

CNN clarified that while 1.3 million jobs were lost during that period, the Trump administration had initially overseen job growth in the sector.

Pandemic Impact on Jobs

In April 2020, when the pandemic was at its peak, the manufacturing sector lost about 1.3 million jobs. However, this was after the onset of the pandemic, which devastated the global economy. As the U.S. began to recover later that year, many jobs were regained, but the total still resulted in a net loss of 178,000 manufacturing jobs by the end of Trump's presidency.

Harris' remarks during the MSNBC interview led to further scrutiny. In response to CNN’s fact-check, an aide from her team cited a speech she had made earlier, where she referenced nearly 200,000 jobs lost in manufacturing under Trump. However, CNN maintained that this number lacked the necessary nuance to accurately represent the job market during Trump’s term.

Harris’ Campaign Defends Statement

Harris' campaign team did not remain silent amid the controversy. Her campaign's official Twitter account, KamalaHQ, doubled down on the claim, posting a clip from the MSNBC interview. The tweet stated: "Almost 200,000 manufacturing jobs were lost under Trump before the pandemic."

This claim, while similar to Harris' previous comment, continued to face criticism for misrepresenting the timeline. CNN’s fact-check clarified that the job losses Harris cited occurred after the pandemic had already started to affect the economy.

Fact-Checking Becomes Crucial in Election Debates

Fact-checking has become an integral part of modern political discourse, especially in an era where candidates’ claims are under more scrutiny than ever. Harris' statements, fact-checked by CNN, illustrate the importance of verifying the accuracy of claims, particularly when discussing job numbers and the state of the economy.

Harris’ portrayal of the U.S. manufacturing sector under Trump was sharply criticized, as the job losses she referenced came primarily after the pandemic began impacting the economy. Nevertheless, she continued to argue that Trump’s presidency had left the economy in disarray, pointing to overall job losses.

Trump's Record on Manufacturing Jobs

Despite the economic losses triggered by the pandemic, Trump's presidency began with notable gains in the manufacturing sector. Between January 2017 and February 2020, 414,000 new manufacturing jobs were created, signaling growth in the industry before the pandemic’s arrival.

CNN’s fact-check emphasized this point, offering a more nuanced view of Trump’s economic record than the one presented by Harris. The network highlighted the complexities of the manufacturing sector, showing both the job gains made early in Trump’s term and the impact of the pandemic on the sector’s subsequent decline.

Job Losses and Political Rhetoric

The loss of jobs in manufacturing has become a hot topic in political debates, especially as candidates discuss the economic legacies of their opponents. Harris’ comments about the Trump administration's handling of the manufacturing sector reflect a larger political narrative about the U.S. economy.

Her remarks on MSNBC echoed concerns many voters have had about the loss of American manufacturing jobs, but CNN’s fact-check highlights the importance of presenting a more accurate timeline of when those job losses occurred.


The controversy surrounding Kamala Harris' statements about manufacturing job losses under Trump underscores the importance of fact-checking in modern political discussions.

While Harris claimed that 200,000 manufacturing jobs were lost before the pandemic, CNN clarified that Trump's administration actually added over 400,000 jobs until February 2020.

However, the pandemic later erased these gains, resulting in a net loss of 178,000 jobs by the end of his presidency. Political discourse often involves highlighting key economic figures, and the accuracy of these numbers plays a critical role in shaping public perception.