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CNN's Brianna Keilar Backtracks on Remarks About JD Vance's Military Service

 August 11, 2024

CNN anchor Brianna Keilar recently found herself at the center of a controversy after questioning the military service of Sen. JD Vance, a Marine Corps veteran who served in Iraq, comments which sparked considerable backlash.

 In response to the criticism, Keilar clarified her comments, acknowledging that Vance “served honorably” in Iraq, a recognition that highlighted the sensitivity surrounding the military records of political figures, as the New York Post reports.

The incident underscores the scrutiny faced by military veterans who transition into public office, particularly when their service records become subjects of political debate.

Keilar’s Comments and Immediate Fallout

The controversy began when Brianna Keilar, during a segment on CNN, criticized Vance's military service, suggesting that his non-combat role might disqualify him from criticizing others, specifically Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

This remark led to swift backlash, with many questioning Keilar’s understanding of the complexities of military service and the roles within the armed forces.

Keilar soon addressed the criticism by concdeding the fact of Vance’s honorable service in Iraq. She emphasized that attacks on Vance’s military record were offensive and diminished the service of many others who have served in non-combat roles. "JD Vance served honorably in Iraq, a combat zone where anything can happen and frequently does," Keilar stated, highlighting the unpredictability and dangers of war zones, regardless of one's specific duties.

Vance and Walz: Scrutiny of Military Service Records

The debate over Vance's service did not occur in isolation. It coincided with renewed scrutiny of Walz’s military record. Walz, a retired command sergeant major, faced criticism for a past video where he appeared to suggest that he had combat experience. This video resurfaced, leading to further examination of his military service.

Retired Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas Behrends was among those who criticized Walz, arguing that his comments could mislead the public into believing he had been in combat. Behrends stated that most people would interpret Walz’s words to mean that he had been in a combat zone, receiving combat pay, and facing direct threats.

Walz’s Service Under Microscope

Walz’s military service became even more scrutinized as critics accused him of retiring early to avoid deployment to Iraq in 2005. Tom Schilling, a former battalion mate, accused Walz of abandoning his soldiers, a charge that added fuel to the already heated debate over the authenticity of his service record.

In response to these allegations, the Harris campaign, with which Walz is affiliated, issued a statement defending his military service. The statement emphasized that Walz had "carried, fired, and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times" during his 24 years of service. Furthermore, the campaign thanked Vance for his own service, underscoring that Walz would never insult or undermine any American's military contributions.

Keilar Clarifies Position Amid Broader Debates

Brianna Keilar's comments also sparked a broader conversation about the role of military service in politics. Keilar noted that having veterans on presidential tickets provides unique insights into military life and the sacrifices made by service members and their families.

"They have unique insight into what America’s men and women in the armed forces and their families have been through and need," Keilar said, underscoring the value of military experience in leadership roles.

Keilar further emphasized that in a country where so few bear the burden of military service, such service should be viewed as an asset, not a liability. "In a country where so few shoulder the burden, military service should not be a liability, it should be an asset," she remarked, aligning her position with a broader respect for those who serve, regardless of their specific roles.

Vance Responds to Keilar’s Initial Remarks

Vance did not remain silent following Keilar’s initial comments. Taking to social media, Vance criticized both Keilar and CNN for what he perceived as an unfair attack on his service record. "Brianna this is disgusting, and you and your entire network should be ashamed of yourselves," Vance tweeted, expressing his frustration with the narrative being pushed.

The lawmaker further defended his military service, noting that while he never claimed to have seen combat directly, he has always been truthful about his experiences in the Marine Corps. "I served in a combat zone. I never said that I saw a firefight myself, but I’ve always told the truth about my Marine Corps service. That’s the difference," Vance stated, drawing a clear distinction between his own honesty and what he implied was Walz’s misleading narrative.


The exchange between Brianna Keilar and JD Vance highlights the intense scrutiny placed on the military records of public figures, particularly those who seek or hold political office.

While Keilar eventually clarified her comments, acknowledging Vance's honorable service, the incident underscores the broader debates over how military service is perceived and politicized.

The controversy also brought renewed attention to Governor Tim Walz’s military record, leading to a defense from his campaign and further discussion on the role of veterans in American politics. In the end, the incident serves as a reminder of the complex and often contentious nature of military service in the public eye.