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Conservative Group Registers Thousands of New Voters in Key States

 September 10, 2024

Heritage Action for America has registered more than 50,000 new conservative voters in two key swing states, aiming to reshape the political landscape ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

The organization’s voter registration drive targeted Georgia and Arizona, two battleground states narrowly won by President Joe Biden in 2020, FOX News reported.

Heritage Action for America, a 501(c)(4) organization founded in 2010, is focused on promoting conservative policies. While the voter registration drive was technically non-partisan, it primarily focused on conservative-leaning individuals. Heritage Action’s leadership believes that this significant influx of new voters could play a crucial role in the upcoming election.

Data-Driven Effort to Shape Election Outcome

The project, which operated with a six-figure budget, took a data-driven approach to identify and register these new conservative voters. The initiative’s focus on Georgia and Arizona is strategic, as both states saw razor-thin margins in the 2020 election, with Biden winning each by roughly 12,000 votes.

Ryan Walker, Vice President of Heritage Action, expressed the importance of the effort in no uncertain terms. “Registering as many like-minded voters as possible can and will make the difference between conservatives winning and losing in 2024,” Walker said.

Heritage Action Seeks to Influence Battleground States

In addition to registering voters, Heritage Action plans to follow up with projects aimed at ensuring that these new voters head to the polls on Election Day. The organization has made it clear that they view this effort as pivotal for returning a conservative majority to Congress and advancing conservative policies in both the legislative and executive branches.

The registration campaign relied on a variety of outreach methods, including door-to-door visits, phone calls, and text messages. Volunteers and activists worked on the ground in both Georgia and Arizona to reach potential registrants. With a nationwide network of 2 million activists, Heritage Action aims to leverage its influence in must-win states like these to alter the political landscape.

Voter Registration Could Sway 2024 Outcome

The significance of this campaign is clear when considering the close results of the 2020 election. With just a narrow margin separating Biden from then-President Donald Trump in these battleground states, Heritage Action believes the registration of 50,000 new conservative voters could potentially sway the outcome of the 2024 election.

A statement from the organization underscores their confidence: “Based on data from the 2020 election, the addition of 50,000 conservative voters in Georgia and Arizona could change the outcome of the presidential election.” The group’s leaders have made it clear that they believe these new voters hold the key to reclaiming a conservative stronghold in both states.

Organization's Mission to Protect Conservative Values

Kevin Roberts, President of Heritage Action, further emphasized the importance of this registration drive in the broader context of the organization’s mission. “After he opened our borders, destroyed our economy through overspending and inflation, and invited conflict around the globe with failed foreign policy, voters are eager to fire him for good,” Roberts said, reflecting the group’s dissatisfaction with President Biden’s performance.

Roberts went on to highlight Heritage Action’s larger goals for the 2024 election and beyond, stating, “Heritage Action’s strategic voter registration campaign is finding and equipping the voters needed to ensure conservative majorities in must-win states across the country.” The registration effort is seen as just one part of a larger strategy to advance conservative values and policy victories at both state and federal levels.

Preparing for Future Turnout Initiatives

While the voter registration campaign has been a success, Heritage Action is not resting on its laurels. The organization has hinted that it will continue its work by focusing on turnout efforts among these new conservative voters, ensuring that the registered individuals cast their ballots in November.

Walker reiterated the stakes, saying, “The future of our country is on the line and Heritage is running through the tape to save her.” With such high stakes in the upcoming election, Heritage Action is determined to make the most of its newly registered voter base.

Legacy of Heritage Action's Political Influence

Since its founding in 2010, Heritage Action has been a major player in the conservative political landscape. While the organization does not officially endorse specific candidates, it has been instrumental in promoting conservative policies and advocating for conservative electoral victories. With its large activist base and extensive resources, Heritage Action has been able to maintain a significant presence in key states across the country.

In Georgia and Arizona, the group’s voter registration drive may be a decisive factor in tipping the scales come Election Day. If successful, it could demonstrate the power of well-organized, data-driven campaigns in shaping political outcomes.

Key Battleground States in Focus for 2024

Georgia and Arizona have become two of the most closely watched states in the lead-up to the 2024 election. Both states were instrumental in President Biden’s victory in 2020, and they remain critical battlegrounds for both parties. Heritage Action’s voter registration drive underscores the importance of these states in the national political landscape.

As the 2024 election approaches, efforts like those from Heritage Action are likely to play an increasingly significant role in determining the outcome of both state and national races. For Heritage Action, the registration of 50,000 new conservative voters represents a step toward securing a conservative victory in these crucial states.

Conclusion: Potential Impact on 2024 Election

The work done by Heritage Action for America in Georgia and Arizona clearly demonstrates the power of focused voter registration efforts. By targeting these key battleground states, the organization aims to influence the political landscape significantly.

With 50,000 new conservative voters added to the rolls, the group believes it has the potential to change the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. Meanwhile, as both parties ramp up their efforts in key swing states, the influence of grassroots organizations like Heritage Action will be critical in determining who wins the White House.