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Court clerk who fought off judge’s attacker comes forward

 January 18, 2024

Court clerk Michael Lasso was forced to intervene in a shocking courtroom attack in Nevada when a felon attacked the judge presiding over his case.

The perpetrator, Deobra Redden, 30, launched himself over a courtroom desk in an aggressive move towards Clark County District Judge Mary Kay Holthus.

The attack occurred after Holthus denied Redden's request for extended probation. In the process, Redden also attacked a court marshal, inflicting injuries that required 25 stitches, as the Daily Mail reported.

Lasso's Account of the Incident

Lasso, the law clerk who intervened, described the scene to Law & Crime as "pretty crazy, not your typical day in court."

He recalled the event, detailing how he was unexpectedly caught up in the altercation while sitting next to the judge.

Lasso, who was in the process of studying for the bar exam, mentioned, "There was blood everywhere. It was a crazy scene." He further noted that the court marshal, despite his injuries, was more concerned about others' well-being.

Sentencing and Charges Against Redden

Following the incident, Redden appeared in court for his sentencing on a separate battery felony charge. He was handed a prison term ranging from 19 to 48 months.

Additionally, Redden was charged with attempted murder due to his attack on Judge Holthus, with the count enhanced owing to the judge's status as someone over 60 years of age.

Details of the Attack

Lasso described the rapidity of the attack, noting Redden's leap toward the judge and his grip on her. The law clerk's immediate response involved physically engaging with Redden to protect the judge.

Video footage showed Lasso jumping onto Redden and striking him to cease the attack, later assisting the judge to her feet.

Redden's Statements and Behavior

Following his detention, Redden made several statements. He told officers he attacked the judge because he was having a "bad day" and felt the judge was against him.

He apologized to the officers for the incident and even questioned an officer about the appropriateness of his actions. Additionally, he spat in a correction officer's face while still in the courthouse.

Redden's Criminal History

Redden's criminal record, as highlighted by District Attorney Steve Wolfson, consists mainly of violent offenses, including three felony and nine misdemeanor convictions.

"He's been violent his entire adult life," Wolfson stated. On the day of the attack, Redden had attempted to persuade Judge Holthus of his non-rebellious nature, arguing against prison time.

Holthus's Background and Redden's Legal Proceedings

Judge Holthus, with a career spanning over 27 years as a prosecutor, was the target of Redden's aggression.

Records indicated that Redden had been previously ordered to undergo a competency determination and was found competent to stand trial in the battery case before pleading guilty to the reduced charge. Redden, a resident of Las Vegas, had also served time for a domestic battery conviction in Nevada.

After the attack, Redden was placed in solitary confinement and classified as a "2C" inmate, the most restrictive category in the Clark County Jail. His confinement conditions include no interaction with other inmates, solitary mealtimes, and limited outdoor activity.