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Cuomo Confronted in Tense Hearing on Nursing Home COVID Policy

 September 11, 2024

In a heated congressional hearing, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was compelled to defend his controversial nursing home directive during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cuomo admitted before a House Subcommittee that he did not consult health officials before implementing a directive that led to significant viral outbreaks in nursing homes, as National Review reports.

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, chaired by Republican Rep. Brad Wenstrup, scrutinized the actions of Cuomo’s administration in a directive issued on March 25, 2020.

This directive mandated that nursing homes accept COVID-positive patients to help alleviate hospital overcrowding.

Directive Contrary to Federal Guidelines

Cuomo's directive was at odds with federal health guidelines which advised against admitting COVID-positive patients into nursing homes unless they could comply with CDC safety protocols. The subcommittee examined over half a million documents, including testimony from Cuomo and his top officials.

During the session, Cuomo defended the directive, arguing that it was in line with preserving hospital capacity amid the pandemic’s surge. However, the admission of over 9,000 COVID-positive patients to these facilities has been linked to thousands of deaths.

Cuomo’s Justification and Subsequent Fallout

Wenstrup accused Cuomo of manipulating the reporting methodology of nursing home fatalities.

Initially, deaths were counted in the facilities, but later, those that occurred in hospitals were omitted from the nursing home death tally.

"You are the leader. The buck stops with you -- or at least it should. It’s important to look at your Administration’s record. Two weeks after you learned about the order, your office changed the methodology of how nursing home fatalities were categorized: You removed out-of-facility deaths that occurred at the hospital, altering the full accounting of nursing home deaths," stated Wenstrup.

Political Implications and Allegations of Cover-Up

A memo from the panel highlighted Cuomo's role in issuing the nursing home directive and his attempts to conceal the true death toll. Despite the discrepancies, Cuomo maintained that the overall death count remained accurate.

His cavalier attitude toward the death statistics was captured in an email where he stated, “Who cares?” about the altered numbers, reflecting a lack of remorse that has drawn widespread criticism.

This testimony comes after Cuomo was subpoenaed by the committee, an action precipitated by the combined pressures of the nursing home scandal and allegations of sexual harassment that led to his resignation.

Broader Political Context and Defense

While Republican members of the committee focused on Cuomo's direct actions, Democratic lawmakers such as Rep. Jamie Raskin used their time to highlight failings in the Trump administration's broader pandemic response.

Cuomo attempted to deflect some criticism onto the federal administration, suggesting that the scrutiny he faced was politically motivated by allies of former President Donald Trump.

Amid these complex interplays of blame and political rivalry, the hearing has further illuminated the challenging decisions faced by leaders during the pandemic’s height.

Family Ties and Media Involvement

The hearing also touched on the role of Cuomo’s brother, Chris Cuomo, a former CNN anchor who was fired from the network for his involvement in advising the governor on how to handle the sexual harassment allegations.

This detail underscores the personal and professional entanglements that have marked the former governor’s recent years.

As the hearing concluded, the ramifications of Cuomo’s actions continued to ripple through political, public health, and media spheres, reflecting the multifaceted impact of the pandemic’s management on various aspects of American life.