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David Axelrod Blasts RFK Jr.'s Endorsement of Trump

 August 25, 2024

David Axelrod, a prominent Democrat and former adviser to President Barack Obama, expressed his dismay following Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s unexpected endorsement of Donald Trump.

Axelrod, now a senior political commentator on CNN while also still an Obama insider, took to social media to voice his concerns and harsh criticism, contrasting Kennedy Jr.'s actions with the legacy of his father, Robert F. Kennedy Sr., as Breitbart reports.

The political strategist's disappointment stems, he said, from his deep admiration for Robert F. Kennedy Sr., someone he described as his political hero. The former Obama adviser stated that the elder Kennedy "battled fiercely & eloquently against poverty, injustice and for economic fairness," highlighting the stark contrast between the elder Kennedy's legacy and his son’s current political actions.

Axelrod Voices Concerns Over RFK Jr.’s Actions

The news of Kennedy Jr.'s endorsement of Trump came during a concession speech in which he urged his supporters, particularly those in contested states, to vote for the former president. This move shocked many in the political arena, including Axelrod, who responded swiftly and passionately on social media.

Kennedy Jr.’s speech was marked by a focus on concerns for future generations, particularly issues surrounding toxic chemicals in the food supply and the need for reforms at agencies like the FDA and USDA.

He also expressed frustration with Vice President Kamala Harris, accusing her of showing no interest in addressing these critical issues. According to Kennedy Jr., his attempts to reach out to Harris were met with a cold shoulder, as she allegedly refused to take his phone call.

Kennedy Jr.'s Endorsement Sparks Strong Reactions

Axelrod did not hold back in his critique of Kennedy Jr.'s decision, suggesting that it was a betrayal of the values held by his father. "Sadly RFK Jr., who made a rambling exit from the race today, proves that sometimes an apple DOES fall far from the tree…in this case, down a hill and over a cliff," Axelrod wrote. His remarks underscore the disappointment felt by many who revered Robert F. Kennedy Sr. as a champion of justice and fairness.

The former adviser further elaborated on his dismay, stating that "Robert F. Kennedy Sr. would have been appalled to see his son cut a deal to drop out of the race and endorse Trump." This sentiment captures the deep sense of betrayal felt by those who viewed the elder Kennedy as a symbol of integrity and moral courage in American politics.

RFK Jr. Addresses Concerns Over Agency Reforms

During his concession speech, Kennedy Jr. emphasized his concerns about the safety of the nation’s food supply, pointing to the need for significant reforms at key federal agencies.

He singled out the FDA and USDA as institutions that require urgent change to protect future generations from harmful substances. These concerns, however, did not appear to resonate with Vice President Harris, who Kennedy Jr. claimed "has expressed no interest in addressing this issue."

The lack of response from Harris, as described by Kennedy Jr., was a significant point of contention in his speech. He expressed frustration that his attempts to contact the Vice President were met with silence, a situation that further fueled his decision to endorse Trump.

Axelrod's Critique Highlights Political Divide

Axelrod's response to Kennedy Jr.'s endorsement is reflective of the broader political divide within the Democratic Party. His critique not only highlights the stark differences between the Kennedy legacy and the current political climate but also underscores the challenges faced by Democrats in maintaining unity within their ranks.

As a senior political commentator, Axelrod's words carry weight in the political discourse, particularly on the left. His disappointment with Kennedy Jr.'s actions resonates with many who see the endorsement of Trump as a significant departure from the values traditionally associated with the Kennedy name.

Kennedy Jr. Considers Potential Role in Trump Administration

Speculation has arisen regarding Kennedy Jr.'s future role in a potential Trump administration, particularly in one of the agencies he mentioned in his speech. While no official announcements have been made, the possibility of Kennedy Jr. taking on a leadership position in the FDA or USDA is being discussed within political circles.

This potential role has raised further questions about Kennedy Jr.'s motivations and the implications of his endorsement. For Axelrod and others who revered Robert F. Kennedy Sr., the prospect of his son aligning so closely with Trump is a troubling development.

Conclusion: Axelrod's Response to Kennedy Jr.'s Endorsement

David Axelrod’s reaction to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s endorsement of Donald Trump underscores the deep political and ideological divides within the Democratic Party.

Axelrod’s admiration for Robert F. Kennedy Sr. contrasts sharply with his disappointment in Kennedy Jr.'s recent actions, which he views as a betrayal of the values held by his father.

As Kennedy Jr. considers a potential role in a future Trump administration, the political implications of his endorsement continue to unfold, leaving many to wonder about the future direction of the Kennedy legacy.