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DC crime rate explodes as council chairman claims ‘there is no crime crisis’

 August 21, 2023

Despite assurances from Democratic Washington, D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson that there was no crime crisis in the nation's capital, recent data paints an alarming picture, as Fox News reported.

Mendelson's Assurance Amid Crime Concerns

While Mendelson acknowledged concerns about crime during a House Committee on Oversight hearing in late March, he emphasized that residents should feel safe.

"With regard to crime, yes, there is considerable concern," Mendelson stated at the time. 

He said, "Perception is important, the reality is less concerning. Let me be clear: People should feel safe, and it is a problem that many residents of the district don't."

The hearing was convened following an extended period of disagreements between Congress and the D.C. Council regarding crime initiatives. 

This event took place only days after a staff member working for Republican Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) suffered serious injuries from a stabbing attack committed by an individual who had just been released from incarceration.

A Startling Increase in Crime Rates

Months after Mendelson's remarks, the actual crime statistics in the nation's capital reveal a different scenario than the one he described.

According to data from the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, nearly all forms of crime have risen sharply compared to last year.

As of Aug. 18, the city has witnessed a 63% increase in robberies, a 27% surge in homicides, a 14% growth in sexual abuse, and a 4% climb in assaults involving deadly weapons. Overall, violent crimes have shot up by 38%.

Additionally, property crimes have escalated by 29% within the past year. This includes a staggering 167% rise in arson, a 115% leap in motor vehicle theft, and a minor 3% increase in burglaries.

This trend marks a significant departure from the pattern between 2021 and 2022, when almost all crime categories, except motor vehicle theft, had dipped.

An Urgent Plea for Action

While Mendelson's view appears optimistic, other council members have expressed grave concerns. Democratic D.C. Councilmember Trayon White Sr., in contrast to Mendelson, recently emphasized the urgent need for action.

"The crime is out of control and getting worse by the day," White declared at a press conference. 

He said, "We must declare an emergency regarding the crime and violence in our neighborhoods and act urgently. It may be time to call on the National Guard to protect the children and innocent people that are losing their lives to this senselessness."

White expressed his weariness over the loss of young lives and his concern about complacency regarding the city's current state. 

He emphasized the urgent need to take control and protect residents, noting that law enforcement alone is not sufficient to address public safety issues. 

He further stressed that a community-wide effort is required to mend and heal the community.