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Dershowitz Alleges Strong Evidence Against DA Willis to Newsmax

 April 3, 2024

Amid the legal tumult, Alan Dershowitz, a noted Harvard Law professor emeritus, has leveled serious allegations against Fani Willis, the District Attorney for Fulton County, Georgia.

In a striking assertion on Newsmax, Dershowitz accused Willis of legal misconduct involving President Donald Trump and others, calling for an independent investigation into her actions.

During an appearance on Newsmax's "Newsline" segment on Tuesday, Dershowitz articulated his grievances against Willis, underscoring what he termed as "the worst crimes" he has observed in the prosecutorial field.

Allegations of Perjury and Misconduct

The accusations against Willis include a spectrum of severe legal breaches such as perjury, conspiracy to commit perjury, and witness tampering. Dershowitz pointed to "overwhelming" evidence, comprising "technical, scientific evidence and several witnesses," to back his claims of Willis committing perjury.

Further complicating the legal landscape, President Trump and eight co-defendants have propelled a motion for the state court of appeals to reconsider a judge's decision, which allowed Willis to maintain her stance on the case.

A Questionable Appointment

Scrutiny intensified following a ruling by Georgia Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee last month. The ruling stipulated that Willis could continue overseeing the case, contingent on Nathan Wade, the lead prosecutor she appointed and later revealed to have had an affair with, resigning from his position. Wade's resignation ensued shortly after.

Dershowitz's criticisms didn't stop at the procedural aspects; he delved into allegations of Willis receiving kickbacks for appointing Wade—whom he decried as "highly unqualified"—to lead the prosecution, a move he vehemently opposed.

Highlighting the gravity of the situation, Dershowitz has advocated for Willis's widow's removal from the case by the appellate court and has called for a thorough criminal investigation into her actions.

Broader Implications and Criticisms

Additionally, Dershowitz commented on another legal controversy involving Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan, critiquing him for a conflict of interest concerning his daughter, a Democratic political consultant. This was part of a broader discourse on ethical standards within the legal system.

Dershowitz also touched upon the political repercussions of these legal battles, particularly about the Biden campaign's stance on Israel. He speculated on the potential impact this could have on Jewish and pro-Israel voters in Florida, suggesting a strategic recalibration might be necessary.

Summarizing a High-Profile Legal Challenge

Dershowitz's Dershowitz's call to action stems from a deep-seated concern over the integrity of the legal process, underlined by his insistence on an independent investigation. "She ought to be on trial for perjury, conspiracy to commit perjury, witness tampering," Dershowitz declared, emphasizing the need for accountability in the case against Willis.

"The evidence is overwhelming that she committed perjury," he reiterated, pointing to a confluence of technical and eyewitness accounts that suggest malfeasance. His allegations of kickbacks for appointing an unqualified prosecutor add another layer of controversy to an already contentious case.

"I sure hope the appellate court takes the case and throws her out of the case and recommends that there be a criminal investigation … we have to have an independent prosecutor of some kind looking into what is an open and shut case of perjury," Dershowitz concluded, signaling a pivotal moment in a saga that has captured national attention.

Reflections on Justice and Political Influence

In conclusion, Alan Dershowitz's vehement critique of Fani Willis and his broader reflections on legal ethics and political influence outline a complex tableau of justice in America. His allegations against Willis, calling for her removal and a subsequent investigation, reflect a significant challenge to the legal status quo.

Simultaneously, his insights into political strategies related to Israel highlight the intricate relationship between legal proceedings and electoral politics. As this story unfolds, its implications for justice, governance, and political strategy in the United States remain a focal point of national discourse.