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Devastated family heckles NY killer as he’s taken to jail

 March 3, 2024

A grieving family heckled a convicted killer as he was taken to jail after a court in New York sentenced him for the tragic shooting of a young woman.

Kevin Monahan, 66, faced the ultimate consequence of his actions in a New York courtroom as he received a 25-year sentence for the death of 20-year-old Kaylin Gillis. The sentencing followed an emotional trial, in which Gillis' loved ones shared their grief and called for justice. The case stemmed from a fatal incident last April when Gillis and her friends accidentally entered Monahan's driveway, leading to an unexpected and tragic confrontation, the Daily Mail reported.

The courtroom echoes with calls for justice

As Monahan was led out of the courtroom, the air was filled with the voices of Gillis' family and friends.

They expressed their emotions loudly, calling out to Monahan with phrases that underscored their feelings of loss and their desire for justice. This moment was a poignant one, reflecting the community's support for Gillis and her family.

During the trial, the defense pleaded for leniency, but Monahan himself chose not to speak.

The judge, Adam Michelini, emphasized the importance of the sentence as a deterrent and as a means to prevent further harm. He highlighted the unacceptable nature of using lethal force over a simple mistake like turning into someone's driveway.

Judge Adam Michelini said:

I think it's important for people to know that it's not ok to shoot people and have them killed for turning down your driveway.

Emotional statements from the heart

The sentencing was preceded by emotional statements from those closest to Gillis.

Her father, Andrew Gillis, shared memories of his daughter and the impact her loss has had on their family. He spoke of her love for animals and her aspirations, painting a picture of a life full of potential that was tragically cut short.

Gillis' boyfriend, Blake Walsh, who was driving the SUV on the night of the incident, addressed Monahan directly in court.

He expressed his inability to forgive Monahan for his actions, highlighting the senselessness of the shooting. Walsh's words brought to light the profound grief and sense of injustice felt by those who knew and loved Gillis.

Walsh said:

You took the life of someone who never was a threat to you, not for a second.

The fateful night and the trial's outcome

On the night of Gillis' death, as the group realized their mistake and attempted to leave Monahan's property, a second shot was fired by Monahan, striking Gillis.

Monahan defended his actions by claiming the shotgun was defective and that he felt his home was under siege. However, the prosecution argued that his actions were driven by an irrational anger towards perceived trespassers.

The jury, after less than two hours of deliberation, found Monahan guilty of second-degree murder, reckless endangerment, and tampering with physical evidence.

Gillis' friend, Alexandra Whiting, also addressed Monahan during the sentencing.

She expressed a fleeting sense of pity for Monahan, pondering what led him to take such drastic actions. Whiting's statement highlighted the broader impact of Monahan's decision, affecting not only Gillis' immediate family but her friends and the community as well.

She said:

You made a decision that altered all of our lives forever, all because you spent three minutes in fear.


  • A New York court sentenced Kevin Monahan to 25 years for the fatal shooting of Kaylin Gillis.
  • The incident occurred when Gillis and her friends mistakenly turned into Monahan's driveway.
  • Emotional impact statements from Gillis' loved ones highlighted the devastating loss they have endured.
  • The judge emphasized the sentence as a deterrent and to prevent Monahan from causing further harm.
  • The jury found Monahan guilty after less than two hours of deliberation, reflecting a clear consensus on his actions and their consequences.