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DOJ Admits Possessing Biden's Interview Transcripts After Prior Denial

 July 24, 2024

In a surprising turn, the Justice Department has confirmed that it holds transcripts from President Biden’s discussions with his biographer, after officials' initial denials.

This DOJ's disclosure emerges amid Freedom of Information Act requests concerning investigations into Biden's management of classified documents in the wake of his presidency, as Fox News reports.

The controversy began when the Department of Justice (DOJ) wrongly denied having any transcripts of President Biden’s interviews with Mark Zwonitzer, his biographer.

These interviews were conducted as part of Biden's memoir projects spanning from 2007 to 2017.

Revelation Follows Heritage Foundation's FOIA Inquiry

It was only upon persistent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests filed by the Heritage Foundation that the truth came to light. The DOJ attorney, Cameron Silverberg, admitted in a court document that the department indeed possesses these crucial transcripts.

According to Silverberg, the department found six electronic files that seem to be precise transcripts of the audio recordings between Biden and Zwonitzer, totaling 117 pages. This admission contradicted the DOJ’s earlier stance.

DOJ's Initial Misstatement and Subsequent Correction

Earlier statements from the DOJ suggested a lack of such documents.

"We don’t have some transcript that’s been created by the special counsel that we can attest to its accuracy," Silverberg had initially claimed.

The situation prompted further scrutiny when it was revealed that the DOJ had to consult with Robert Hur, who oversaw Biden's classified documents investigation, and an unnamed individual familiar with the transcripts, neither of whom could initially confirm their existence.

Investigative Focus Shifts to High-Profile Interactions

Eventually, Hur himself clarified the existence and relevance of the transcripts and a handwritten note by Biden concerning Afghanistan for his report.

This note played a part in his final report issued in February, which suggested that Biden, described as elderly and forgetful, should not face criminal charges for his mishandling of classified materials after his vice presidency.

Hur's assessment highlighted the challenges in pursuing a case against Biden: "Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone from whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him -- by then a former president well into his eighties -- of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness," he noted in his report.

White House Invokes Executive Privilege

Further complicating matters, in May, the White House claimed executive privilege over the audio and video recordings related to Hur's investigation.

Attorney General Merrick Garland explained, "The audio recordings of your interview and Mr. Zwonitzer's interview fall within the scope of executive privilege. Production of these recordings to the Committees would raise an unacceptable risk of undermining the Department's ability to conduct similar high-profile criminal investigations -- in particular, investigations where the voluntary cooperation of White House officials is exceedingly important."

Political Ramifications and Presidential Race Impact

The implications of this revelation were, in the eyes of many, significant enough to affect the political landscape.

Following these events, President Biden decided not to seek re-election, leading to Vice President Kamala Harris becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee for the 2024 election.

In conclusion, the DOJ's acknowledgment of possessing transcripts from Biden’s interviews introduces new layers to the ongoing discussions about presidential accountability and the handling of classified information.

The chronological unfolding of these events highlights the complex interplay between legal accountability, political strategy, and public transparency.