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Donald Trump warns country in trouble at Laura Trump's dog rescue fundraiser

 March 7, 2023

Donald Trump's daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, helped organize the annual fashion show fundraiser for a dog rescue charity again this year at Mar-a-Lago.

Trump believes it's not too late for America

The former president was given the opportunity to share a few words of warning about America's future at the event, according to the Daily Mail.

"Remember this – we have a country that's in trouble," Trump said.

"We will make America great again. We will make it better than ever before," he added as the crowd cheered.

He also praised Lara for her efforts in connection to fundraising for the dog rescue charity.

"She's so incredible, so great. She wanted to make this very special this year. She worked with the group behind me and the group in front of me," he said.

Controversy over last year's event questioned

Last year's event spawned stories that went viral over the notion that the dog rescue fundraiser for Big Dog Ranch Rescue was being used to funnel hundreds of thousands to Trump's Mar-a-largo resort.

However, an investigation by Snopes suggests that accusation may be unfounded.

Lauree Simmons, the founder and president of the Big Dog Ranch Rescue e-mailed a statement to Snopes indicating that Lara Trump's involvement wasn't new, and neither was the fact that it was held at Mar-a-Largo.

"Lara Trump has been a lifelong animal advocate and it was an honor to have her as our honorary chair.

Lara has never received even ONE DOLLAR from Big Dog Ranch and gives her time for free, just as I do, to make a difference.

She bought her own plane tickets for the event and then donated her own money at the fundraiser to help further our mission to save as many dogs as possible.

Our events team selects our fundraising venues and we have been holding our fashion show at The Mar-a-Largo Club for 8 years, prior to Lara's participation, which began in 2018," Simmons wrote.

Philip Hackney, associate professor of law at the University of Pittsburgh and a specialist in laws that govern nonprofits, weighed in on the situation, pointing out that Lara Trump's involvement isn't illegal since she's not involved as an officer or director of the charity.

"Any nonprofit has to think about how they brand themselves; when they take money and associate with a certain person, it reflects back on the brand. They have to think about whether this is an organization they want to associate with, and presumably the directors have made that determination," Hackney told Snopes.

Trump refuses to give up 2024 run, even if facing criminal charge

Trump has indicated that he intends to stick it out through a 2024 presidential run, even if he faces criminal charges over his alleged handling of White House documents and the 2020 election, according to CNBC.

Trump is still running uncontested on the Republican ticket, with most potential challengers in the Senate believing they wouldn't be able to win out against Trump's campaign, according to CNBC.