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Donald Trump's TikTok Debut Outshines Biden's Campaign in Hours

 June 3, 2024

In less than a day, Donald Trump's foray into TikTok left a mark, amassing more followers than President Joe Biden's campaign TikTok account. In a digital showdown, the former president's sudden surge in the platform's following highlights his significant influence among social media users.

Newsweek reported that Donald Trump's TikTok account rapidly surpassed President Joe Biden's campaign following on the same platform amid the hypes of electoral preparations for November.

The account, identified as @realDonaldTrump, showed an impressive ability to attract a massive audience, reaching 1.8 million followers shortly after its creation. Meanwhile, the president's campaign (@bidenhq) lagged at 336,000 followers as of the latest count on Sunday morning.

Trump's Initial TikTok Post Goes Viral

Donald Trump marked his TikTok entrance with a 13-second video, quickly capturing the attention of millions. The debut post, simple yet resonant, has garnered over 32 million views, making it one of the most impactful introductory posts in the platform's history.

The dramatic disparity in engagement between Trump's and Biden's accounts reflects a shifting dynamic in political campaigning, where social media presence can significantly affect public perception and engagement. "The President is now on TikTok," Dana White, an associate of Trump, stated, reinforcing the surprise element of Trump's social media strategy.

President Biden's TikTok journey commenced earlier in the year, during the Super Bowl in February. However, the slower rate of follower gain compared to Trump's explosive start has placed the spotlight firmly on the differing social media tactics of the two political figures.

The Political and Security Debate Surrounding TikTok

Amidst this digital battle, TikTok continues to face scrutiny over its connections with the Chinese government, raising national security concerns. In response to these concerns, President Biden signed a law in April demanding the sale of TikTok if its parent company, ByteDance, wishes to continue operations in the U.S.

This legislative action led to a backlash from TikTok and ByteDance, resulting in a lawsuit to block the law, reflecting ongoing tensions between U.S. authorities and the Chinese-owned platform. The company's legal actions represent a significant chapter in the unfolding story of social media's intersection with international politics and security.

During his presidency, Donald Trump also attempted to ban TikTok unless ByteDance sold it to a U.S. company on national security grounds. A federal judge later blocked this attempt, marking a contentious phase in U.S.-China technological interactions.

Election Dynamics and Trump's Business Challenges

Donald Trump and Joe Biden are set to be the presumptive nominees for their respective parties in the upcoming presidential election, setting the stage for a rematch in November. As candidates bolster their campaigns, the role of social media continues to emerge as a pivotal battlefield.

In a related development, Trump, who holds a significant stake in Trump Media & Technology Group Corp., encountered financial hurdles as the company's share prices fell following his conviction in a New York hush money trial. He was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records concerning payments made to Stormy Daniels.

This legal setback, juxtaposed with his social media triumph, paints a complex picture of Trump's current standing in business and politics. He remains a formidable figure capable of swaying public opinion and media attention, evidenced by his recent social media victories and continued resilience in the face of legal and financial challenges.

A Political Landscape Transformed by Social Media

In conclusion, Donald Trump's new venture into TikTok accrued a following that vastly outnumbered President Biden's campaign account and set a record in viewer engagement with his first video. Amidst continuous legal battles and the looming election, Trump's unexpected but strategic move into TikTok has intensified the political rivalry, reflecting the ever-evolving influence of social media on political campaigns. His call to young voters via Truth Social, emphasizing the importance of recalling these events on election day, underscores his campaign's reliance on digital platforms to communicate and mobilize support.