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Eagles' co-founder Don Henley testifies in court that he ‘regrets’ cocaine-fueled night with underage prostitute

 February 27, 2024

Eagles co-founder Don Henley offered a forthright account of a night from over four decades ago that he deeply regrets during his appearance in a Manhattan court.

Henley, aged 76, discussed the events surrounding his 1980 arrest, involving cocaine and a 16-year-old girl amid a trial about the alleged theft of the "Hotel California" draft lyrics, as The New York Post reported.

The rock legend described how the Eagles' disbandment led him to seek solace in the wrong places. "I wanted to forget what was going on. I wanted to escape the depression I was in," Henley disclosed,

He added, "So, I made a mistake — I called [a] madam and told her I wanted some company. And a few hours later, a young woman arrived at my home."

A Night of Regret

Wearing a crisp blue suit, Henley detailed to the court the events on November 20, 1980. Initially, a gathering started at his Los Angeles home to announce the Eagles' breakup to close associates.

After the party, a young woman arrived at his residence. The lass pretended to be an adult. The evening took a turn. Henley and the woman indulged in cocaine. Thus, a decision he openly regrets.

The situation escalated when the woman suffered a seizure the following morning. Consequently, this led to emergency services being called and Henley's subsequent arrest.

Reflecting on the incident, Henley expressed his remorse: "I made a poor decision which I regret to this day."

Legal Repercussions and Lingering Effects

Following the incident, Henley was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, a misdemeanor, resulting in probation and a fine.

According to Henley, this episode inspired his song "Dirty Laundry" and has been a subject of reflection in interviews over the years.

During the trial, Henley's focus was not only on his past but also on the alleged misappropriation of his intellectual property.

He accused others of scheming to sell original "Hotel California" lyrics without his consent, detailing his efforts to reclaim these personal items at great expense and frustration.

The Battle Over "Hotel California"

The ongoing trial sees Henley standing against individuals accused of attempting to profit from Eagles' memorabilia, specifically the handwritten lyrics to the iconic song "Hotel California."

Henley's testimony shed light on the personal nature of these documents and his dismay at their public exposure. Despite the challenges, Henley remains firm, fighting to protect his and the band's legacy from unauthorized exploitation.

Henley is scheduled to reappear for further cross-examination on the witness stand Tuesday morning before continuing his tour with the Eagles in Hollywood, FL, on Friday.