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Hunter Biden's Ex-Girlfriend to Testify About His Gun Purchase, Drug Use

 June 5, 2024

Hunter Biden is currently on trial related to charges involving the illegal acquisition and possession of a firearm while using drugs.

Hallie Biden, his ex-girlfriend and the widow of his brother, is poised to testify about her involvement in the incident, including how she disposed of the handgun in question, as Breitbart reports.

Hunter Biden is alleged to to have used crack cocaine when he purchased a Colt Cobra .38 handgun, and Hallie Biden discovered the firearm in his truck outside her home in 2018.

In a dramatic sequence of events, Hallie disposed of the gun by throwing it into a trash bin at a nearby grocery store.

Hallie Biden, now 50, is expected to provide testimony about mutual drug use with Hunter Biden.

This testimony includes the two of them using crack cocaine during the period in which Hunter purchased the firearm. Such accusations are supported by various photos found on Hunter's abandoned laptop.

The Secret Service Allegedly Intervened

The trial has taken a controversial turn with allegations that the Secret Service interfered in the investigation surrounding the gun disposal incident. This has added a layer of intrigue and speculation to the proceedings.

Hunter Biden faces several charges in the trial, including making a false statement during the purchase of the firearm, possessing a firearm while being an unlawful user of drugs, and making false statements on required federal firearms dealer forms.

Prosecutor Derek Hines emphasized the importance of Hallie's testimony, describing it as “embarrassing but necessary.” He highlighted that the only reason the firearm remained out of Hunter's hands for eleven days was because Hallie had taken it from him.

Gun Seller And Other Exes To Testify

Providing a broader view of the case, additional witnesses will be called to testify. One such individual is Gordon Cleveland, the person who sold the gun to Hunter Biden at Starquest Shooters. His testimony may offer further insight into the events leading up to the purchase.

Other witnesses include Zoe Kestan, another woman who had a romantic relationship with Hunter. Like Hallie, Kestan will testify under an immunity agreement, which grants her protection from prosecution in exchange for her testimony.

Contrastingly, Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife and mother to his three daughters, will testify without any such immunity. Her perspective is anticipated to shed more light on Hunter's character and actions during the time of the incident.

Media Restrictions and Courtroom Dynamics

Amid these developments, the court has imposed strict media restrictions. TV and audio recordings, as well as Slack messages, are barred from the trial. Reporters are required to rely on traditional note-taking, runners, or in-person reporting to relay information from the courtroom.

The central focus remains on whether Hallie Biden’s testimony, alongside other witnesses, will substantively impact the case against Hunter Biden.

The tension between revealing personal, potentially damaging details and the necessity of truth in the judicial process has become a significant aspect of the trial.


Hunter Biden is presently on trial for several firearm-related charges, with Hallie Biden’s testimony about their shared drug use and her disposal of the firearm playing a crucial role.

Witnesses, including the gun seller and other ex-partners, will provide critical insights, while strict media restrictions highlight the sensitivity of the case.

All eyes are on how these testimonies and facts will influence the trial's outcome.