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Exclusive: Nancy Grace Presents New Evidence In Ellen Greenberg Case, Impacting Josh Shapiro’s VP Prospects

 August 11, 2024

In a shocking revelation, TV personality Nancy Grace has presented substantial evidence that challenges the official ruling on Ellen Greenberg's death, which has been a point of contention in political circles.

According to Mail Online, Ellen Greenberg's 2011 death, initially ruled a suicide, has been contested by new evidence suggesting homicide, with political implications for Josh Shapiro.

On January 26, 2011, authorities found Ellen Greenberg, a beloved first-grade teacher, dead in her Philadelphia apartment with 20 stab wounds. The mysterious circumstances of her death have haunted her family and the public for over a decade.

Initially, Assistant Philadelphia Medical Examiner Marlon Osbourne classified Greenberg's death as a homicide. Police and prosecutors later reversed this decision to suicide following a controversial meeting.

In her upcoming book, Nancy Grace argues that this case should be reconsidered as a homicide. She points to post-mortem wounds and other forensic inconsistencies that contradict the suicide ruling.

Forensic Evidence Suggests Possible Homicide

Experts cited by Nancy Grace have brought to light concerning details about the wounds. Reports notably indicate that someone inflicted three stab wounds post-mortem and that another wound, so severe it nicked Ellen’s spinal cord, makes further self-inflicted wounds highly improbable.

The investigation has questioned the cleanliness of the crime scene, particularly the kitchen where authorities found Greenberg. The lack of blood and the absence of fingerprints on the knife used raise doubts about the initial investigation’s thoroughness.

The investigation faces further complications as reports indicate that essential evidence, including the crime scene video, has gone missing and that investigators did not apply luminol, a chemical used to detect traces of blood invisible to the naked eye, at the scene.

Legal Battles and Public Outcry

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has recently agreed to hear arguments from Ellen’s parents, who seek legal standing to challenge the ruling of suicide. This development offers a glimmer of hope to the family and supporters who have long doubted the circumstances presented by authorities.

Ellen’s fiancé, Sam Goldberg, found her in a locked apartment, which he had to forcibly enter. He attempted CPR, further describing the traumatic scene he encountered, which has fueled public skepticism about the suicide claim.

In response to mounting criticism, Josh Shapiro’s office upheld the suicide ruling in early 2022. However, Shapiro, who had previously been considered a potential vice-presidential candidate, recused himself from the case in July of the same year without providing a detailed reason, sparking further debate over his handling of the situation.

Nancy Grace Criticizes Investigation Procedures

Nancy Grace has been vocal about her dissatisfaction with the investigation's conduct. She has cited the absence of basic forensic procedures as indicative of a mishandling or possible cover-up within the case.

"Her heart is no longer beating and she's still stabbing herself, really?" Grace questioned the plausibility of the suicide ruling publicly, suggesting manipulation of the crime scene. She added, "The scene was staged, her body was moved. There's been a cover-up."

According to Grace, a female prosecutor, allegedly granted immunity, was present in the decisive meeting with the medical examiner, which led to the reclassification of Greenberg’s death from homicide to suicide.

Community and Family Persevere for Justice

Ellen's mother, Sandee Greenberg, expressed cautious optimism regarding the recent developments in the case. "We're smiling, we're very optimistic. I hope we're making our daughter proud," she shared, highlighting the emotional toll the lengthy legal battle has taken on the family.

The Greenbergs have not only faced the tragedy of losing Ellen but have also embarked on a prolonged legal fight, including a lawsuit against the medical examiner's office. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court initially rejected their case but has since accepted it for appeal.

The controversy surrounding the case has undoubtedly impacted Shapiro’s political trajectory, especially his consideration for higher office, which scrutiny has intensified in light of these events.

Conclusion: Renewed Calls for Homicide Investigation

Nancy Grace advocates for a reevaluation of the entire case, insisting on an official reopening of the investigation as a homicide. "Then and only then will this case proceed to an appropriate homicide investigation," she stated, echoing a sentiment shared by many who follow the case closely.

The final determination by the courts could lead to significant implications not only for the involved parties but also for the broader discussions on criminal justice and political accountability.