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Expert: President Biden’s new sanctions on Russia fall ‘far short of expectations’

 February 25, 2024

President Joe Biden's latest sanctions against Russia, in response to opposition leader Alexei Navalny's death, are being seen by many as more symbolic than effective.

In a recent move by the U.S., over 500 new sanctions have been imposed against Russia, targeting primarily the financial and military sectors.

This action comes as a response to the death of Navalny, a prominent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who died under questionable circumstances in a Siberian penal colony. The sanctions represent the largest single set since the onset of the Ukraine conflict two years ago, yet experts and officials suggest their impact might be minimal, as reported by the Daily Wire.

An unprecedented move in response to Navalny's death

Navalny's arrest and subsequent death in prison have drawn international condemnation and suspicion, particularly from Western leaders who believe Putin may have been behind it.

In 2021, Biden warned of "devastating" consequences for Russia if Navalny were to die. Yet, the consensus among experts is that these new sanctions may not live up to those dire predictions.

Charles Kupchan from the Council on Foreign Relations expressed mixed feelings about the sanctions.

While acknowledging the necessity of a U.S. response to Navalny's death, he also pointed out the underwhelming impact of previous sanctions on Russia.

Kupchan said:

On the one hand, this next turn of the crank is inevitable... On the other hand, it’s quite clear at this stage that the sanctions package against Russia has fallen far short of expectations.

The diminishing impact of sanctions on Russia

Initially, sanctions following Russia's invasion of Ukraine appeared to have a significant effect, causing the Russian economy to contract.

However, Russia quickly adapted, establishing new supply chains and finding loopholes to circumvent the sanctions, particularly with assistance from China. This adaptability has raised questions about the long-term efficacy of such economic penalties.

The latest sanctions aim to close some of these loopholes but are unlikely to deliver a substantial blow to Russia's economy, according to analysis. Despite this, the Biden administration maintains that the sanctions are effective, contributing to visible signs of strain within Russia's economy and military-industrial base.

Controversy and consequences of continued sanctions

As Russia intensifies its efforts against Ukraine, the U.S. faces growing controversy over further aid to Ukraine.

Questions about the allocation of aid and the ultimate goals of the conflict have become increasingly contentious within the U.S., adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

Despite the challenges, the U.S. administration remains committed to supporting Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of economic pressure on Russia.

However, the effectiveness of this strategy remains a topic of debate among experts and officials alike.

The imposition of these sanctions reflects the ongoing tension between the U.S. and Russia, especially in the context of the broader geopolitical struggle over Ukraine.

As the situation develops, the world watches closely to see the unfolding consequences of these and any future sanctions.


  • President Joe Biden's new sanctions against Russia, prompted by Alexei Navalny's death, are seen as more symbolic than substantive.
  • The sanctions target over 500 entities, focusing on Russia's financial and military sectors, marking the largest batch since the Ukraine invasion.
  • Despite the significant number, experts believe the sanctions may not have a considerable impact on Russia, citing the country's resilience and adaptability in the face of previous sanctions.
  • The Biden administration asserts that the sanctions are effective, pointing to signs of economic and military strain in Russia.
  • The ongoing debate over the efficacy of sanctions and U.S. aid to Ukraine underscores the complex geopolitical dynamics at play.