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Families of 13 U.S. troops killed in Kabul attack call for Biden and military leaders to resign

 August 8, 2023

A group of Gold Star families mourning the loss of 13 U.S. service members in a Kabul suicide attack during the chaotic American withdrawal from Afghanistan have publicly called for President Joe Biden and his military chiefs to resign.

A public forum organized by Republican Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-48) in Escondido, California, provided a platform for their grievances, as the Daily Mail reported.

On Aug. 26, 2021, a suicide bomber detonated a devastating explosion outside Kabul's international airport's Abbey Gate. The blast resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. service members and at least 170 Afghan civilians.

Incompetent & Evil Administration

The families, accusing the administration of incompetence and evil, seek accountability and closure nearly two years after the tragic event.

Gold Star mother Kelly Barnett demanded justice, emphasizing that no Biden administration official has taken responsibility for the withdrawal's horrors.

Rep. Issa pointed out that the families have yet to receive the personal belongings of their loved ones, highlighting the negligence that led to the loss of life.

Furthermore, Coral Briseno, the mother of one of the survivors, revealed that some blast survivors have since committed suicide without recognition from the administration.

Congressional Hearings and Biden's Actions

Last month's congressional hearing questioned family members about the administration's accountability in the botched withdrawal.

They unanimously expressed dissatisfaction, shaking their heads to confirm the absence of ownership and accountability.

Biden's behavior surrounding the issue has also raised concerns. He was criticized for looking at his watch during a salute honoring the return of the service members killed in Kabul. Some veterans, such as Desert Storm Army veteran Samuel Williams, viewed this as disrespectful.

The president has remained steadfast in his decision to withdraw troops, dismissing a scathing 87-page State Department report on the failures during the withdrawal.

The Biden administration has touted the mission in Afghanistan's capital as a success, emphasizing that the U.S. military managed to evacuate over 120,000 individuals from Kabul, the New York Post reported.

State Department Report and Warnings from Lawmakers

The State Department's report outlined leadership failures and questioned the command structure before and during the chaos, which resulted in American and Afghan civilian deaths.

Rep. Greg Murphy (NC-03) saw the report's release timing as an attempt to hide guilt and affirmed that the administration was culpable.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (TX-10) criticized Biden's claims that al-Qaeda no longer operates in Afghanistan, describing them as "divorced from reality." He warned about the growing capabilities of al-Qaeda, aided by the Taliban, and opposed recognizing the Taliban as Afghanistan's government.

The report also blamed the Trump administration for its efforts before the Kabul departure.

It highlighted insufficient senior-level consideration of worst-case scenarios under both administrations, leading to the abandonment of thousands of U.S. allies and chaos during the evacuation.