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FBI Agent Leading Assassination Attempt Probe Facing Scrutiny Over Alleged Anti-Trump Bias

 September 26, 2024

The FBI agent leading the investigation into the attempted assassination of Donald Trump is facing accusations of bias against conservatives.

Special Agent in Charge Jeff Veltri, who is overseeing the inquiry into suspect Ryan Routh, is accused by whistleblowers of retaliating against conservative employees within the FBI, raising concerns about the integrity of the investigation, as Breitbart reports.

The whistleblower complaints allege that Veltri has previously targeted FBI employees for their political and religious beliefs during security clearance investigations.

Veltri’s leadership of the FBI's Security Division has come under scrutiny for allegedly using personal and political biases to revoke security clearances from conservative FBI staffers. Whistleblowers claim that Veltri identified employees with conservative views as potential security threats, leading to an internal FBI investigation.

Whistleblowers Accuse Veltri of Retaliating Against Conservatives

The accusations against Veltri surfaced after Empower Oversight, a whistleblower advocacy group, sent a letter to Congress detailing concerns about Veltri’s actions. Empower Oversight revealed that Veltri was responsible for several decisions within the FBI that seemed to target employees based on their political and religious beliefs.

According to the whistleblower report, Veltri had been involved in probing the personal beliefs of FBI employees while determining their security clearance status. The report claims that Veltri based some of his decisions on employees’ political or religious affiliations, sparking concerns over constitutional violations.

One of the whistleblower allegations involves Veltri’s decision to revoke the security clearance of an FBI Intelligence Analyst who expressed doubts about the 2020 election results. Veltri allegedly made statements that this employee was not entitled to a clearance because they “did not believe in the Constitution.”

Internal FBI Investigation Raises Questions About Clearance Practices

The internal FBI investigation into Veltri’s actions revealed that he had been asked to remove anti-Trump and anti-conservative posts from his social media accounts before receiving a promotion. This raised further questions about whether Veltri’s own biases could impact his role in the investigation into the Trump assassination attempt.

Additionally, Veltri is accused of making decisions about security clearances without proper documentation. Whistleblowers claim that some of these clearance revocations were later overturned after they were found to be based on improper or unfounded reasons.

Veltri reportedly told witnesses that FBI employees “might have First Amendment rights, but they had no right to a security clearance,” suggesting that political beliefs were considered during clearance evaluations. This remark has sparked criticism from both sides of the political spectrum, as it raises concerns about whether FBI staffers were unfairly targeted for their personal views.

House Subcommittee Prepares for Whistleblower Testimony

The case is now drawing the attention of Congress. Marcus Allen, a former FBI Staff Operations Specialist, is set to testify before the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on Sept. 25. Allen’s testimony will focus on the alleged political and religious biases within the FBI’s security clearance process under Veltri’s leadership.

Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt is also scheduled to testify on the same day, providing additional details from whistleblowers who have come forward about Veltri’s actions. The upcoming testimonies are expected to shed more light on how FBI staffers’ political beliefs were allegedly used as a pretext to revoke security clearances.

Veltri Accused of Targeting Religious Beliefs

One of the most alarming claims against Veltri involves his treatment of FBI employees’ religious beliefs. The whistleblower report states that Veltri revoked access to classified information from an FBI agent, citing the agent’s devout Catholic faith as a reason. This claim has drawn significant concern, as it suggests that Veltri’s actions may have crossed a constitutional line by targeting employees based on their religious convictions.

The whistleblower report describes these actions as a clear indication that Veltri’s leadership allowed improper considerations to influence security clearance decisions. The report added, “It is difficult to imagine a clearer signal from a SecD leader that improper considerations about an FBI employee’s protected First Amendment religious beliefs unconstitutionally infected the security clearance process.”

Veltri’s Actions Draw Congressional Scrutiny

As the investigation continues, Veltri’s role in the Trump assassination attempt probe has become increasingly controversial. While there is no evidence to suggest that Veltri’s actions have directly affected the investigation into the attempt on Trump’s life, concerns about his biases could impact the credibility of the FBI’s findings.

The whistleblower complaints have put additional pressure on the FBI to ensure that its investigations are conducted fairly and without personal or political biases. Veltri’s leadership, particularly in handling security clearance investigations, will be closely examined as Congress continues its inquiry.

Calls for Further Investigation Grow

With the upcoming testimonies from Marcus Allen and Tristan Leavitt, calls for a deeper investigation into Veltri’s conduct are growing. Many are questioning whether Veltri should continue leading the investigation into the Trump assassination attempt, given the serious nature of the allegations against him.

Veltri has not publicly commented on the accusations, but the whistleblower claims are expected to remain a central focus as the congressional inquiry moves forward. The FBI has yet to issue an official statement regarding the investigation into Veltri’s actions.

The outcome of the House Subcommittee hearings will likely determine whether further actions are taken against Veltri or if the FBI will make changes to its security clearance process to prevent similar allegations in the future.