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FBI has files that say Biden accepted cash bribes as VP

 May 4, 2023

The FBI reportedly has a document linking President Joe Biden's involvement in a "criminal scheme" connected to "money for policy decisions" during his vice presidency.

A whistleblower has come forward with claims that the document includes a precise description of the alleged criminal scheme involving Biden and its purpose.

Top GOP members, Sen. Chuck Grassley and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer have issued a subpoena to the FBI demanding the internal document be handed over.

An Update in the Influence-Peddling Probe into the Biden Family

This development comes as an update in the Republican "influence-peddling" probe into the Biden family, just hours after a report said prosecutors were close to deciding whether to criminally charge Hunter Biden in his tax and gun probes.

The House Oversight Committee has accused multiple members of the Biden family, including Hunter and Hallie, of being involved in "shady" business deals where they profited off the family name.

The FBI's Track Record of Bias

Grassley and Comer state in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Chris Wray that due to "credible" whistleblower disclosures, they seek access to an internal "FBI-generated FD-1023 form" through a subpoena.

They express concern about what steps, if any, were taken to investigate the matter and the FBI's track record of allowing political bias to infect their decision-making process.

The subpoena instructs Wray to produce all FD-1023 forms, including those in open, closed, or restricted access case files created or moderated in June 2020, containing the term "Biden." Wray has until May 10 to turn over the documents.

Reactions and Responses

White House spokesman Ian Sams downplayed the news, claiming that Republicans in Congress have been launching baseless, politically motivated attacks against President Biden and his family for years without offering evidence. Sams also highlighted Biden's unprecedented level of transparency in releasing 25 years of tax returns to the American public.

However, Biden has not released information revealing the source of more than $13 million in income in 2017 and 2018 that he and first lady Jill Biden routed through tax-dodge entities known as S Corporations. The FBI and the Justice Department acknowledged receipt of the subpoena and letter but declined to comment further.

Grassley appeared on Fox News, insisting that the information comes from credible and unclassified whistleblower disclosures and that the Justice Department and the FBI need to reveal what they did with the document, as it is known to exist.

Biden Family Business Probe

The action by the Republicans signals an intensification of the ongoing probe into the Biden family's business dealings. Sen. Ron Johnson called the whistleblower's claim an "unbelievably serious allegation." Meanwhile, Rep. Andy Biggs stated on Twitter, "The walls are closing in on Biden."

As part of the ever-growing investigations against Hunter Biden, Republicans on the House Oversight Committee have reviewed IRS documents and Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), which they claim prove that the Biden family corruption and influence peddling has benefited at least 12 family members. Comer said last month that the "entire Biden family" is entrapped in the financial enrichment scheme.

IRS Whistleblower Claims DOJ Interference

Another whistleblower from the IRS recently came forward, claiming that a senior Biden administration official interfered with the DOJ's special counsel probe into Hunter Biden led by U.S. Attorney David Weiss of Delaware.

Various news outlets reported that the "senior official" in question is Garland. Garland has vouched for the independence of Weiss and testified in Congress that the probe is being conducted impartially.

Weiss is reportedly close to wrapping up the four-year-long investigation into President Biden's son's alleged tax and gun crimes. The U.S. attorney met with officials at DOJ headquarters in Washington, D.C., last week, signaling that the probe may be nearing its conclusion.

As the Republican-led investigations continue, the American public awaits answers regarding the Biden family's business dealings and the veracity of the whistleblowers' claims.