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FBI: Trump Rally Shooter Amassed Dozens of Bomb, Gun Purchases Ahead of Attack

 July 31, 2024

FBI officials have revealed striking new details about a 20-year-old's meticulously planned attempt to assassinate Donald Trump at a rally earlier in July.

The attempted assassination of Trump by Thomas Matthew Crooks follows more than a year spent accumulating bomb materials and gun-related items at his home, with a concrete motive still undetermined in the ongoing investigation involving 450 interviews, as the Post Millennial report.

Crooks stands accused of opening fire from a rooftop during a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, injuring the former president and two other attendees, and tragically taking the life of another rally participant.

Year-long Accumulation of Materials

Federal investigators revealed that Crooks' attempt was the culmination of more than a year's worth of preparation. Beginning in spring 2023, Crooks made 25 online purchases of gun-related items and bought bomb-making materials a total of six times.

Despite his alarming activities, Crooks managed to fly under the radar of his parents. According to the FBI, his parents believed their son was simply pursuing his long-standing interest in science and experiments.

Careful Concealment of Plans

"While the FBI’s investigation may not have yet determined a motive, we believe the subject made significant efforts to conceal his activities," said Kevin Rojek, the FBI special agent in charge in Pittsburgh. "Additionally, we believe his actions can also show careful planning ahead of the campaign rally."

Crooks used an alias for his online purchases, which he then collected at his home in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. These actions were supported by extensive internet searches about mass shootings, power plants, improvised explosive devices, and assassination attempts on Slovakia's prime minister.

Interviews and Insights

The ongoing investigation has involved over 450 interviews, including discussions with Crooks’ former classmates, co-workers, and family members. Crooks is depicted as an intelligent loner who attended college, held a stable job at a nursing home, and maintained limited social interaction primarily with his family.

Trump has agreed to participate in an interview with the FBI to offer his perspective on the incident. "We want to get his perspective on what he observed, just like any other witness to the crime," Rojek said. "It is a standard victim interview like we would do for any other victim of crime."

A Troubling Digital Footprint

A significant part of the investigation has focused on Crooks’ online activity. The FBI has requested information from 86 companies regarding his online accounts, even though he appeared to have minimal interactions in the virtual world.

"We believe his parents had no advanced knowledge of his plans," Rojek noted. "For that reason, they weren’t concerned that it was focused on committing an attack of this nature or harming other people. The parents have said in their interviews that they had no advanced knowledge of any of this."

Crooks’ troubling digital footprint included searches for power plant vulnerabilities and simulated devices used in bomb-making. These findings have given the FBI a somber view into Crooks’ deliberate and concealed preparations.

A Painstaking Investigation

The extent of the investigation has been substantial, covering a large number of interviews and a wide search of digital evidence. Every angle is being meticulously examined in an effort to understand the considerable planning behind the attempted assassination.

While the motive behind this vicious attack remains a mystery, the FBI's thorough process seeks to unravel the layers of Crooks’ intent and prevent any future incidents.

A Dismayed Family

Crooks’ family has been in the spotlight throughout the investigation, with their cooperative efforts providing crucial insights. Since Crooks was intensely focused on his scientific pursuits, they were unable to foresee his sinister intentions.

"This case highlights the importance of vigilance," said Rojek. "Even those close to us might need their actions observed more critically when dealing with potentially harmful materials."

Looking Ahead

As the investigation continues, the FBI remains committed to piecing together Crooks’ motivations and connections. The insights from interviews and digital evidence are expected to play a pivotal role in shaping a comprehensive understanding of the crime.

The investigation into Thomas Matthew Crooks’ carefully planned attack is ongoing, with the FBI aiming to prevent such threats in the future. The extensive probing into his life and actions serves as a grim reminder of the complexities surrounding domestic security.