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Florida woman, 34, arrested for robbing her 73-year-old date

 March 3, 2024

The Volusia County Sheriff's office revealed that a 34-year-old woman named Chelsea Wright and her ex-boyfriend, Andrew Marks, 33, orchestrated a deceitful plan, posing a romantic date to rob a senior citizen.

Their scheme turned violent, resulting in injuries to the 73-year-old man, who had to seek treatment at a nearby hospital, as Fox News reported.

The victim reported the incident to the police after arriving at the hospital around 5 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 29, detailing the harrowing encounter with Wright and Marks.

Incident Details and Police Report

Police reported that the 73-year-old informed hospital staff that he had arranged to meet Wright at a Daytona Beach bar. It was under the impression of a romantic date to discuss their relationship.

According to the police, Wright proposed that the victim accompany her back to her residence. In fact, he consented.

The Ambush and Aftermath

The 73-year-old followed Wright to her residence in Plantation Pines, Ormond Beach, Florida.

En route, police reported that she picked up Marks. She dropped him off near a residence.

However, upon the man's arrival at Wright's purported home, Marks reappeared unexpectedly.  Marks purportedly assaulted him by striking him in the head. A metal object was used.

The attack was swift and brutal. Marks struck the victim repeatedly.  As a result, the victim  was rendered helpless on the ground.

The assailants then made off with the man's wallet. Brutally, they left him forlorn and injured.

The victim later sought medical attention. He recounted his harrowing experience.

Hospital staff attended to numerous wounds across his body, including deep lacerations to his head that necessitated staples, and treated his severely swollen eye.

This violent encounter not only left physical scars but also a lasting impact on the victim's sense of security and trust.

Investigation and Arrests

The police swiftly acted upon receiving the victim's report, conducting surveillance operations that led to Wright's arrest following a traffic stop, where narcotics were found in her possession.

Initial interrogations revealed Wright's attempt to deflect blame by concocting a story about an elderly woman with Alzheimer's.

However, evidence uncovered in the form of text messages between Wright and Marks painted a clear picture of their deliberate criminal act.

Marks was apprehended in Holly Hill on charges of armed robbery and aggravated battery on an individual over the age of 65. Wright faced arrest under the principle of the exact charges.