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Former CA State Sen. Gloria Romero Shifts to GOP, Blasts Democrats

 September 9, 2024

In a significant political realignment, former California state Sen. Gloria Romero has switched her party allegiance from Democrat to Republican.

Highlighting her disillusionment, Romero criticized the Democratic Party’s departure from its foundational values, particularly when it comes to education policies, as Breitbart reports.

Romero, who once served as California's Senate Majority Leader, announced her departure from the Democratic Party early Wednesday morning.

This change marks a profound shift in her political stance, aligning now with the Republican Party. Romero expressed her discontent with the current direction of the Democrats, a party she claims has strayed significantly from its original values.

Her announcement was not isolated. It followed another recent departure by California state Sen. Marie Alvarado-Gil, who left the Democrats earlier in August. These sequential shifts underscore a growing sentiment of discontent among some party members.

On the following day, Romero appeared on Fox News, in an interview with Laura Ingraham, to elucidate her reasons for the switch. She specifically targeted Vice President Kamala Harris’s record on education during her time as the attorney general of California, accusing her of failing to support meaningful education reforms.

Romero Criticizes Harris's Education Policies

During her Fox News appearance, Romero criticized Harris for her attempts to pass legislation that would punish mothers of truant students. She argued that Harris’s policies did not support school choice or broader education reform, which she believes are crucial for improving student outcomes in California.

Pointing to statistics from Oakland, Harris’s hometown, Romero highlighted that 75% of African American and Latino children are failing to achieve basic levels of proficiency in math and reading. She used these figures to underscore her point about the inadequacy of the current educational strategies endorsed by Democratic leaders.

Moreover, Romero accused Harris of aligning too closely with teachers' unions, which she claims have been obstacles to necessary educational changes.

“Her record as attorney general showed that she did nothing to change the schools, to provide for school choice,” Romero stated. She further criticized Harris for siding with powerful unions against reforms, emphasizing, “Yet, she went to court with the teachers union -- very powerful big donors -- to block education reforms that these families had dared to go to court and sue over.”

Romero Emphasizes Shift Toward Republican Values

Romero’s shift to the Republican Party is not just a change of party but a reorientation towards what she perceives as a party more aligned with the needs of working people.

“I am now another near-life-long Democrat who is joining the growing number of people, including key groups like Latinos, who are leaving the Democratic Party,” Romero declared.

She expressed her conviction that the Republican Party under Donald Trump has become a champion of working-class citizens, a stark contrast to her views on the current Democratic leadership. This sentiment is reflective of her broader criticism of the Democratic Party, which she feels has abandoned its core values and constituents.

Romero’s move could be indicative of larger political shifts within California, a state predominantly controlled by Democrats. “Blue California may be blue, but people are ready to vote for change, to make America great again, and I take pride in saying that today,” she added, highlighting a potential shift in voter sentiment in the upcoming elections.

Broader Implications of Romero’s Departure

The departure of high-profile figures like Romero from the Democratic Party could signal a broader reevaluation of political affiliations and ideologies among voters, particularly in states like California.

As more politicians and voters express their disillusionment with current party policies, shifts like these could reshape the political landscape in significant ways.

This realignment brings into focus the evolving dynamics of American politics, where the interplay of personal beliefs and party ideologies continues to drive shifts in party loyalty and voter behavior.

As the sun rose on Wednesday, marking a new day, it also marked a new chapter in Romero’s political career -- one that could influence many others to reassess their political alignments in the face of changing party landscapes.