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Former Democratic Insider Denounces Party Over Hypocrisy: 'This Party Has Changed'

 September 22, 2024
A once a dedicated Democratic fundraiser has publicly severed ties with the party, citing increasing disillusionment over its celebrity-driven approach and donor influence.Evan Barker, known for her extensive background in Democratic campaign fundraising, recently appeared on Fox & Friends to voice her disenchantment with the Democratic Party and the reasons behind her decision to leave it, with her candid revelations stirring considerable discussion across political and social spheres, as Fox News reports.

In a detailed Newsweek op-ed, Barker elaborated on her frustrations, which were initially kindled during a Democratic National Convention (DNC) event that felt overwhelmingly disconnected from ordinary Americans.

This event was marked by the presence of Vice President Kamala Harris and numerous celebrities, illustrating a stark contrast between party elites and the general populace.

According to Barker, the DNC's atmosphere was not only elite but also symptomatic of a broader issue within the party: a deep-seated disconnection from the realities of everyday Americans. This sentiment was echoed in her interactions at the convention, where the glitz overshadowed genuine political engagement.

Disillusionment at Star-Studded Campaign Event

The tipping point for Barker came during a recent virtual campaign event dubbed "Win with Black Women," which featured Vice President Harris alongside celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey.

Barker felt that the event prioritized spectacle over substance, catering more to celebrity endorsements than to policy issues directly affecting ordinary citizens.

The "Unite for America Rally," another event criticized by Barker, boasted an array of Hollywood personalities like Jennifer Lopez and Chris Rock. Despite its aim to galvanize support, Barker saw it as indicative of the party's skewed priorities—favoring high-profile appearances over addressing constituents' needs.

Barker's discomfort with the Democratic Party's approach was palpable when she recounted her experiences at these gatherings.

The reliance on celebrity influence, she argued, detracted from the party's ability to address and resonate with the pressing concerns of everyday Americans, including those of her own family members.

Shift in Family Political Allegiance

Her disillusionment is not isolated but reflects a broader shift within her own family, who transitioned from supporting Barack Obama to Donald Trump. Barker attributes this change to a growing sense of betrayal felt by many former Democrats who believe the party has strayed from its foundational principles.

This sentiment is further compounded by economic challenges faced by ordinary citizens, such as Barker's grandmother in Missouri, who struggles amid rising inflation and escalating costs.

Barker expressed a poignant desire for the party to refocus on these real-life hardships rather than maintaining a façade of optimism through celebrity-driven narratives.

Barker's critique extends beyond just the economic disconnect; she accuses the Democratic Party of embodying what she sees as a betrayal of its own ideals, comparing it unfavorably to Republicans, whom she also criticizes but views as less hypocritical about their donor influences.

Barker's Bold Critique of Party Elites

During her Fox & Friends interview, Barker lamented what she described as the party's transformation into a hub for elite interests, akin to entities she believes represent the antithesis of Democratic values.

Her observations resonate with a segment of Americans who feel abandoned by a party that once championed grassroots movements.

"They have become the party of Dick Cheney, of Goldman Sachs, of endless proxy wars, of identity politics," Barker stated emphatically, condemning what she perceives as a departure from genuine democratic values.

Barker's departure from the Democratic Party marks a significant moment in her political career, as she vows to advocate for more transparency and genuine representation in American politics, challenging the status quo she once supported.