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Former Trump spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany reveals her struggle getting pregnant

 April 20, 2023

Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany gave birth to her second child in December 2022, a baby boy named Nash.

Becoming pregnant with that child was a prolonged struggle, however, as McEnany has now revealed in a new book, according to the Daily Mail.

The former press secretary, who is now a host at Fox News, credits her faith in God and the power of persistent prayer for the success that she and her husband Sean Gilmartin, a former professional baseball player, eventually achieved in their efforts to have another child.

Initial struggles

The Daily Mail obtained advanced excerpts from McEnany's new book, "Serenity in the Storm: Living Through Chaos by Leaning on Christ," which is set to be released on May 2.

"My first pregnancy happened rather quickly, and we felt blessed that God had given us a beautiful daughter with relative ease. The second time around was different," McEnany wrote in reference to her first child, three-year-old daughter Blake. "Several months passed, and negative pregnancy tests were ample. As spring of 2022 approached, part of me began to worry. Why wasn't I getting pregnant? I attempted to overcome worry by leaning on faith."

She then drew inspiration from a book about how to "pray with expectation" but continued to struggle, and wrote, "We have a tendency to expect immediate results. That is a natural human inclination, one that I certainly fall into myself. As I tried to pray with expectation, Satan did his best to infiltrate with worry, doubt, and frustration."

McEnany wrote how she became "overcome with worry" at a women's conference in March 2022 about her inability to become pregnant but decided to refocus on her faith and, just a few weeks later, met a woman at another event named Kathy Sparks Lesnoff, who heads an organization that offers pregnancy resources for those in need.

"I opened up about my desire to have a second child with Kathy and her family, and without hesitation, Kathy asked if she could pray over me. I agreed, and right there at our dinner table, Kathy and I bowed our heads while she said a heartfelt prayer for God to bless me with a child," McEnany wrote. "'The last time I said a prayer like this, God blessed the young woman with twins!' she shared with me at the conclusion of our prayer. I smiled from ear to ear at the thought!"

Eventual success

After returning home from that meeting with Lesnoff, McEnany wrote that she and her husband prayed together again about having another child – and found out later that her dad's Bible study group had done the same at the same time – and then suddenly "felt the urge" to take a pregnancy test about three days later.

"I had already taken about five or six that month. All were negative," she recalled. "Nevertheless, for some reason, I felt the urge to take one that Tuesday morning, three days after our prayer. I suppose you could say I took the test that morning with expectation."

"A few minutes after taking the test, I saw a slight pink double line, indicating a pregnancy. 'Is this real?!' I wondered. I took a second just in case, and sure enough, two solid pink lines!" McEnany wrote before she revealed how she shared that news with her husband.

"With a knowing smile on my face, I found Sean in the office, working on his iPad, and I scurried up to the table beside him. I set the two tests on the table, displaying two pink lines on each one. He wrapped me up in a big hug. Our journey with our second child was just beginning," she said.

McEnany acknowledged that while she and her husband had eventually found success in their attempts to get pregnant, there are "millions of women" who similarly struggle for longer periods of time or never become pregnant at all, and though she had no answer for why her prayers were answered while the pleas from others are not, she nonetheless credited her faith in God and the power of prayer for receiving the blessing of a second child.

Pregnancy announced during "Outnumbered" program

The New York Post reported in December 2022 that McEnany announced the birth of her second child on-air while co-hosting "Outnumbered," as well as in a post to Instagram with pictures of the newborn infant.

Notably, though she has only now fully revealed her struggle to become pregnant in her new book, McEnany appeared to have alluded to the problem and the solution of prayer when she announced her pregnancy on the program months earlier in June 2022.

"So my husband, Sean Gilmartin, and I are about four months pregnant," she said to cheers and applause from her fellow co-hosts.

She later added, "What a blessing. We prayed a lot about this and God has just blessed us with a child, a second child to join baby Blake, my daughter," and further announced that she and her husband would eventually reveal the baby's gender on the show, which the Post reported occurred in July of that year.