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Gabbard Links Kamala Harris to Dick Cheney at Event with Tucker Carlson

 September 10, 2024

Former Hawaii congresswoman and independent political figure Tulsi Gabbard made headlines after a bold statement during a recent event in Colorado Springs.

Speaking at "Tucker Carlson Live" last week, Gabbard addressed a crowd alongside the former Fox News host and drew a sharp comparison between Vice President Kamala Harris and former Vice President Dick Cheney, stating that “a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney," referencing his family's recent statements about the 2024 election, as Breitbart reports.

Her comments came shortly after Liz Cheney, former Wyoming lawmaker and daughter of Dick Cheney, announced that she and her father would support Harris in the upcoming presidential election.

Gabbard Criticizes Harris's Leadership

Gabbard, who became an independent in 2022 after leaving the Democratic Party, did not hold back in her critique of Harris during the event. Known for her military service in Iraq, Kuwait, and the Horn of Africa, Gabbard addressed the crowd, many of whom were military veterans. She expressed concern about Harris's potential as a future Commander in Chief.

“Dick Cheney has just made the choice very clear,” Gabbard told the crowd, adding that “a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney, the architect of everything that has gone wrong in the Middle East for the last few decades.”

Comparisons to Cheney’s Role in Middle East

The crux of Gabbard's criticism focused on Cheney's role in the conflicts in the Middle East, a point she emphasized during her speech. According to Gabbard, Harris's association with Cheney, following his endorsement, raised questions about the vice president's leadership qualities and policies.

“Kamala Harris has told us all we need to know about what kind of commander in chief she would be,” Gabbard said. “And I don’t know about you, but I would not trust her for a moment with the lives of my brothers and sisters in uniform.”

Liz Cheney Announces Her Father's Support for Harris

Gabbard’s remarks were sparked by former Rep. Liz Cheney’s announcement that her father, a key architect of the Iraq War and other Middle Eastern policies, would be casting his vote for Harris in the next election. Liz Cheney’s announcement shocked many, given her father’s conservative legacy.

While it remains unclear what motivated Cheney’s decision to back Harris, his support drew sharp criticism from Gabbard, who aligned his policies in the Middle East with Harris’s potential leadership.

Gabbard Questions Harris's Ability to Lead

Throughout her speech, Gabbard consistently questioned Harris’s leadership qualities, particularly in the context of military and foreign policy.

She expressed concerns about Harris’s clarity on policy issues, stating that Cheney’s support for the vice president was revealing of what kind of leadership the country could expect if Harris were to ascend to the role of commander in chief.

Social Media Reacts to Gabbard's Comments

Following Gabbard’s remarks, social media users quickly voiced their reactions. Many supported her stance, particularly veterans and military families who shared her concerns about Harris’s leadership.

One user on Instagram wrote, “If there is to be a first woman president, I am hoping it’s you,” referring to Gabbard. Another social media comment read, “Amen! My son serves and I do NOT trust his life in Kamala’s hands.”

Gabbard’s strong rhetoric appeared to resonate with many, especially among those who shared her military background.

Veteran Support Amplifies Gabbard's Message

Gabbard’s speech was especially targeted at military veterans, a demographic she has often appealed to in her political career. Her own experience serving in the armed forces lent credibility to her arguments, and her critiques of Harris found support among veterans who feel distrustful of the vice president’s leadership abilities.

Some social media users also expressed alignment with Gabbard’s concerns, with one commenter highlighting support for “Trump Vance policies,” suggesting a broader dissatisfaction with the current Democratic leadership among certain veteran groups.

Conclusion: Gabbard Draws Parallels Between Harris and Cheney

In her Colorado Springs address, Tulsi Gabbard made a controversial yet pointed comparison between Vice President Kamala Harris and former Vice President Dick Cheney.

By linking Harris to Cheney, particularly in light of Cheney’s recent endorsement, Gabbard criticized Harris’s leadership and foreign policy capabilities.

Her remarks resonated with veterans and military families, many of whom voiced their support on social media.

Gabbard's comments raised important questions about the future of U.S. leadership as the 2024 election approaches, leaving voters to consider how Harris’s endorsement from Cheney could impact her campaign.