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George Clooney Expresses Displeasure with White House Over Criticism of ICC

 June 8, 2024

Actor George Clooney has recently aired his concerns to President Joe Biden’s aides regarding the administration's stance toward the International Criminal Court (ICC), particularly in relation to an investigation in which his wife, Amal Clooney, has taken an active role.

The actor took issue with Biden’s remarks and potential sanctions on the ICC over its decision to seek arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as the Post Millennial reports.

According to sources, Clooney called counselor to the president Steve Ricchetti in May to express his displeasure with Biden's use of the term “outrageous” in relation to the ICC's actions.

This conversation stems from George Clooney’s concern for the potential ramifications that Biden’s administration's policies might have on his wife’s work and reputation.

Concerns Over Potential ICC Sanctions

George Clooney’s concerns are deeply personal, given that Amal Clooney worked on the case concerning the arrest warrants for Netanyahu. The Biden administration’s receptiveness toward imposing sanctions on the ICC further agitated Clooney, as such measures could significantly impact his wife.

The discussion came shortly after the ICC’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, announced on May 20 plans to charge several high-profile individuals—Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Hamas leader Yehiya Sinwar, and two other top Hamas leaders—with crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Expressing Discontent with Biden’s Language

George Clooney reportedly found President Biden’s description of the ICC's decision as “outrageous” to be particularly bothersome. Additionally, the potential for the Biden administration to impose sanctions on the ICC was a significant concern for Clooney, whose wife played a crucial role in analyzing and presenting evidence for the court.

Amal Clooney has been an outspoken advocate for justice and the rule of law in conflict zones. She has actively supported the ICC’s initiative to prosecute individuals for atrocities committed in Israel and Palestine. In her statement, she emphasized her belief in holding perpetrators accountable:

“I do not accept that any conflict should be beyond the reach of the law, nor that any perpetrator should be above the law,” she stated. “So I support the historic step that the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has taken to bring justice to victims of atrocities in Israel and Palestine.”

Upcoming Fundraiser Amid Tensions

Despite the ongoing tensions, George Clooney remains scheduled to appear at a Biden campaign event in Los Angeles on June 15. The event promises to be significant, with notable figures such as Jimmy Kimmel, former President Barack Obama, and Julia Roberts expected to attend.

Despite earlier concerns that Clooney might withdraw from the fundraiser, his continued support for Biden’s campaign is notable. Clooney has a history of supporting Biden, having donated more than $500,000 to the campaign in 2020 and co-hosting a virtual fundraiser that raised an additional $7 million.

White House’s Stance on Sanctions

Following Clooney's conversation with Ricchetti, the White House reiterated that sanctions were "not the right answer" concerning the ICC. This stance comes in light of the delicate balance the administration must maintain between supporting international justice and managing diplomatic relationships with key allies.

Clooney’s engagement with the White House underscores the complexity of governing and the influence of personal connections on political decisions. His advocacy for his wife’s work highlights the challenges faced by high-profile individuals navigating both professional and political spheres.

Amal Clooney’s Role in ICC Investigation

Amal Clooney's involvement in the ICC’s investigation into alleged war crimes demonstrates her dedication to international law and human rights. Her work involved rigorous review of evidence and providing substantial legal analysis to build the case against the accused.

This case has far-reaching implications for international justice and accountability. It also brings to light the personal stakes and potential consequences for those closely involved in such significant legal battles.


George Clooney’s recent outreach to President Biden's advisers reveals a multifaceted issue involving personal, professional, and political dimensions.

The actor’s concerns about Biden’s ICC criticisms highlight the complexities surrounding international justice and its intersection with political diplomacy.

As Clooney remains supportive of Biden’s campaign, his advocacy for his wife's work at the ICC underscores the ongoing challenges and balancing acts faced by public figures in navigating both personal interests and broader political landscapes.