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George Soros sends millions to Texas hoping to shift power balance

 January 29, 2024

Liberal billionaire George Soros has invested over $3 million in Texas to support Democratic initiatives.

Recent state campaign finance records reveal Soros' significant financial contributions to various progressive groups in Texas.

His aim is to strengthen the Democratic foothold in a state traditionally dominated by Republicans. Over the past year, Soros has donated in excess of $3 million to at least five left-leaning organizations in Texas. These donations are part of a larger strategy to increase Democratic influence in the Lone Star State, as reported by FOX News.

The Texas majority PAC: A key focus of Soros' contributions

One of the primary beneficiaries of Soros' funding is the Texas Majority PAC.

This group, initially under the radar, has received substantial support from Soros' Democracy PAC II. Before gaining public attention, the Texas Majority PAC was an enigma, without much public knowledge or media coverage. It has since emerged as a prominent player in Texas politics.

The Texas Majority PAC, now publicly active, is led by former members of Beto O'Rourke's gubernatorial campaign team.

The Texas Tribune reported that the group raised nearly $2.25 million last year. Its goal is to create conditions favorable for a Democratic shift in Texas.

Katherine Fischer, the group's executive director, said:

We need millions of more dollars and hundreds of more full-time staff to do this. Texas Majority PAC works with partners across the state to create the conditions that will make flipping the state possible.

Soros' investment strategy and its implications

Analysis of Texas campaign finance records indicates that Soros' Democracy PAC II and his personal contributions constitute the entirety of the Texas Majority PAC's funding.

His donations total $850,000 from Democracy PAC II and $1.4 million personally, accounting for the PAC's entire $2.25 million in donations.

Mayra Flores, a former Republican congresswoman, interprets Soros' investments as a strategic move to counter the increasing Republican appeal among Hispanic voters.

She suggests that the Democratic Party, aided by Soros' funding, aims to bolster their chances in the upcoming elections, particularly targeting the Hispanic community that has traditionally leaned Democratic.

Flores said:

They're seeing that Hispanics are shifting towards the Republican Party because they're realizing that we are the party of prosperity, that we want to build a strong economy, that we want to secure the border, that we want to prioritize the people of this country and not prioritize people from outside this country. And I believe that it's our policies that are winning people over, and the struggle is real.

Additional beneficiaries of Soros' Texas contributions

While the Texas Majority PAC has been a major focus of Soros' donations, other groups have also benefited.

Soros has made substantial contributions to several other organizations dedicated to promoting Democratic candidates and causes throughout Texas.

These groups include CTX Votes, which received at least $300,000, and the Texas Organizing Project, which was given $250,000.

Soros also donated $200,000 to the Dallas County Democratic PAC and $100,000 to First Tuesday. These donations highlight Soros' commitment to supporting a broad range of Democratic initiatives across Texas.

Despite multiple attempts, Michael Vachon, Soros' spokesperson, did not respond to requests for comment on these contributions.


  • George Soros has donated over $3 million to support Democratic groups in Texas.
  • The Texas Majority PAC, a key recipient, is focused on turning Texas blue.
  • Soros' donations are seen as an effort to counter Republican gains among Hispanic voters.
  • Additional groups also received significant funds from Soros to support Democratic causes in Texas.