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Georgia Elections Board Issues Reprimand to Fulton County for 2020 Recount Errors

 May 10, 2024

Fulton County faces increased scrutiny after an investigation into the 2020 election recount procedures.

The Georgia State Election Board has mandated oversight for the 2024 elections following findings of procedural failures in Fulton County during the 2020 recount, Newsmax reported.
The board concluded its investigation into Fulton County's election recount on Tuesday. Starting in 2022, the inquiry found over 3,000 ballots mistakenly scanned twice, leading to duplicate records in the 2020 recount.

Findings Prompt Board Action and Reprimand

In response, the State Election Board, with a 2-1 vote, decided to reprimand the county and appoint a monitor for the 2024 presidential election.

The investigation confirmed errors but affirmed they didn't affect the final outcome. President Biden won Georgia by about 12,000 votes.

Since then, Fulton County has made substantial changes, appointing a new director and investing in a new elections headquarters for improved operations.

Improvements Noted Despite Ongoing Concerns

The county's improvements have been evident in six subsequent elections, with independent monitors noting enhancements in the process.

"Fulton County's 2020 election has faced exhaustive scrutiny, yet the results remain unchanged," stated Jessica Corbitt, a county spokesperson.

"Since then, Fulton County has hired a new director, implemented procedural updates, and invested in a new elections headquarters. It has conducted six elections, with noted improvements," Corbitt added, highlighting the county's forward-looking approach.

Continued Scrutiny by Election Board Members

Despite improvements, not all board members, like Janice Johnston, were satisfied. Johnston, who opposed the motion, expressed dissatisfaction with ongoing issues in Fulton County.

"With over 140 violations of election laws and rules, it would be a travesty not to refer this to the attorney general and let this ride," Johnston stated, advocating for further investigation and legal scrutiny.

The election board's decision aligns with Georgia Governor Brian Kemp's signing of new legislation refining voter roll eligibility, signaling ongoing reforms in the state's electoral processes.

Looking Ahead: Fulton County Prepares for 2024

The reprimand and monitor appointment aim to prevent the recurrence of issues in the 2020 elections. Fulton County officials are committed to meeting new election board standards.

With the 2024 presidential election nearing, all attention will be on Fulton County to gauge the impact of these changes on election integrity and efficiency.

In conclusion, while procedural errors marred the 2020 election recount in Fulton County, subsequent improvements and oversight aim to strengthen the electoral system. With a new elections director and updated procedures, Fulton County aims to restore confidence in its election integrity for future electoral challenges.