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Gold Star mom says Biden should resign over heartless response to her son’s death

 August 8, 2023

Gold Star mother Cheryl Rex, whose son was one of 13 U.S. service members killed in a 2021 Kabul, Afghanistan suicide bombing, publicly voiced her fury at President Joe Biden this week during a congressional forum.

Rex recounted that Biden tried to connect with her grief by referring to his late son Beau, who died from brain cancer.

The comparison left Rex "shaking" from anger as she felt it was inappropriate and "heartless" to liken her son's tragic death in combat to the loss of Beau, as the Daily Mail reported.

A Mother's Outrage: Seeking Recognition and Closure

Rex made these remarks at a Gold Star family field hearing organized by Republican Rep. Darrel Issa (CA-48).

It was the first time all the families of the service members lost in the Kabul attack had been brought together to discuss their pain and seek closure.

Lance Cpl. Dylan Merola, Rex's son, was only 20 years old at the time of his death. He was serving in Afghanistan and helping with the evacuation of Afghans when he was killed outside Hamid Kharzai airport.

Rex also stated that she had not received any personal correspondence from the resident, and her son had not been honored or mentioned by him since the encounter.

Ongoing Grief and a Search for Accountability

The forum provided a platform for the Gold Star families to speak about their loss. It took place in Escondido, California and was attended by the families of the 13 U.S. service members killed in the Kabul bombing on August 26, 2021.

The affected families are seeking answers and accountability from the Biden administration almost two years after the tragic incident.

Joe Biden's son Beau died of brain cancer at age 46. While Biden has often linked Beau's illness to exposure to military burn pits in Iraq, his son was not killed in conflict.

Biden had also previously drawn criticism for appearing to look at his watch during a ceremony honoring the return of fallen service members.

The president had made an unannounced trip to Dover Air Force Base for that solemn occasion, but some perceived his action as disrespectful.

Painful Memories and Accusations

Another mother, Kelly Barnett, whose son, Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover, was killed in the attack, spoke tearfully about her son's final moments.

She accused the Pentagon of lying to her about the circumstances of his death. According to Barnett, her son's concerns began when he landed in Afghanistan, where he was met with "chaos, no communication, lack of leadership."

Barnett recounted the shocking instruction given to her son to "clean up the airport" because "we can't leave it dirty for the Taliban."

She also alleged that Biden officials lied to her about her son's death, saying she was told he died immediately only to be told by eyewitnesses that he "lived for a while," as Fox News reported.

Barnett expressed disbelief and outrage at the disrespect and what she described as the administration's apparent hatred for the military.