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GOP Senator Urges Use of 25th Amendment Against Biden After Campaign Exit

 July 23, 2024

Sen. Eric Schmitt on Monday formally requested President Joe Biden's Cabinet, including Vice President Kamala Harris, to invoke the 25th Amendment, citing Biden's alleged health concerns.

This plea for the amendment's application follows President Biden's surprise decision to suspend his 2024 re-election campaign and endorse Vice President Harris as his successor, as Fox News reports.

Schmitt’s initiated actions were marked by sending letters to each member of Biden’s Cabinet, including Harris, just one day after Biden's re-election campaign suspension. The Missouri lawmaker claimed that Biden's inability to run for a second term highlights his unfitness to fulfill his current presidential duties.

Schmitt's Call for Constitutional Action

The letters argue that the same reasons making Biden incapable of being a candidate prove his inability to serve effectively as President. Schmitt emphasized that Biden should either resign or face removal via the 25th Amendment. "Joe Biden has decided he isn’t capable of being a candidate; in so doing his admission also means he cannot serve as President," Schmitt told Fox News Digital.

Asserting the urgency of the situation, Schmitt stressed, "It is in the best immediate interest of the safety of the United States for Joe Biden to resign from office or face removal under the 25th Amendment." This call for action punctuates a growing chorus of concerns among GOP members regarding Biden’s capacity to complete his term.

Biden's endorsement of Harris as the 2024 Democratic nominee further prompted Schmitt to rally for the constitutional procedure, highlighting that the Vice President and Cabinet should formally declare Biden unable to discharge his presidential duties.

White House and Public Reaction

The White House has consistently maintained that Biden will complete his term ending on Jan. 20, 2025. Nevertheless, this issue has stirred considerable debate, especially among GOP opponents, including former President Donald Trump, who have long questioned Biden's health and presidential capabilities.

Schmitt has captured the attention of political observers by taking this unprecedented formal action. "If President Biden is willing to admit he is unable to continue to stand as the Democratic Party nominee for President after the primary process due to his health, he is unable to continue to serve as President until January 20, 2025," Schmitt wrote in his letter.

The GOP senator highlighted several difficulties faced by Americans during Biden's tenure, such as economic struggles, diminished international stature, and immigration challenges, attributing these issues to Biden’s leadership.

Biden's Leadership Under Scrutiny

"The same Democrat elites that forced President Biden’s hand over the past several weeks did so long after the American people could see his inability to discharge his powers and duties," Schmitt wrote, openly criticizing the Democratic Party's leadership decisions.

His letters stressed a call to action for Biden's Cabinet to fulfill their constitutional duty for the country's best interests. "As the Democrats scramble to find a new nominee, it is with a sober awareness of the gravity of my request that I ask that you, as a principal officer of the executive department, discharge your constitutional duty under the 25th Amendment, working with Vice President Harris and rest of the Cabinet to submit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives a written declaration of the truth we now all see—President Biden is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office," Schmitt's letter read.

He continued, "If President Biden is unwilling to resign, for the sake of our great nation, you must do your duty to relieve him of his constitutional powers and duties."

Schmitt's Concerns About Leadership

Despite his critical view of Biden, Schmitt didn't hold back his reservations about Vice President Harris's potential to effectively serve in his stead. "While Vice President Harris may have deficiencies to effectively serve as the Acting President in any way that benefits the American people, she has not displayed a medical, incurable inability to discharge the powers and duties of the Presidency, unlike President Biden," Schmitt stated.

Schmitt also rebuked the Democratic Party, saying, "He should have never stood for reelection through the primaries. Rather than allow the voice of the people to speak through the democratic process of primary elections, the Democratic party insiders and megadonors will now have the opportunity to pick a new candidate in a crony-filled backroom of their convention."

This development reveals significant political maneuvering as parties prepare for the upcoming election cycle. Schmitt’s decisive stance signifies a pivotal moment in the continuing discourse over Biden’s presidency.

Pressure Mounts for Cabinet Action

"In 2024, the Democratic Party is anything but democratic," Schmitt scathingly remarked, addressing the implications of Biden's re-election suspension on the party's internal electoral processes.

The senator highlighted the pressing needs of the country as a reason for his plea: "We cannot wait until January 20, 2025, for a mentally capable President. The stakes are too important given the domestic and foreign challenges the United States is currently facing."

He culminated his appeal with a strong exhortation: "I urge you to fulfill your constitutional duty and relieve President Biden of his constitutional powers and duties."

Schmitt’s message underscores a broader GOP strategy aimed at questioning and potentially curbing Biden’s influence as President. "If he is medically unable to be a candidate for Presidency (after he won the primary), then he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the Presidency today," concluded Schmitt.

In summary, Schmitt's request to the Cabinet and Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment against President Biden has brought new urgency to concerns about presidential fitness and leadership at a critical juncture in the nation’s political landscape.