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Graham: Biden Could Face Charges Over Border Crisis

 June 25, 2024

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) suggested that President Joe Biden could face criminal charges if the U.S. Supreme Court rules that presidents do not have immunity from prosecution.

Graham made his statement about the risk of criminal charges while discussing Biden's handling of the border crisis and its repercussions during a Fox News interview with Shannon Bream on Sunday, as the Daily Wire reports.

Border Crisis and Safety Concerns

Graham criticized Biden's management of the border, calling it "beyond broken." He highlighted safety concerns and the state of law enforcement under Biden's administration.

During the interview, he mentioned a specific case involving Laken Riley, who was murdered by a paroled detainee who was cut loose due to lack of federal capacity in El Paso, Texas.

Graham connected the border crisis to broader issues, including conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East. He argued that Biden's handling of the border has been reckless.

"Most Americans believe that they’re not safer under President Biden than they were Trump," Graham said, pointing to public sentiment regarding national security.

Graham mentioned a parole statute that has been used to release detainees due to lack of capacity. "Laken Riley’s murderer was paroled because they had lack of capacity in El Paso," he stated. He argued that the statute does not permit release due to overcrowding, suggesting that these releases are illegal.

Specific Case of Laken Riley

The release of detainees under the parole statute was a significant point of Graham's critique. He highlighted that the statute is limited in nature and should not be used as broadly as it has been under Biden's administration.

Graham expressed his concerns about the broader implications of such releases. "When it comes to enforcing the law, Joe Biden has been beyond reckless," he said. He emphasized that many women have been raped and murdered by individuals who were in U.S. custody and later released.

Potential Legal Ramifications for Biden

Graham suggested that Biden could face legal consequences if the Supreme Court rules that presidents do not have immunity from prosecution. He argued that the releases under the parole statute could lead to lawsuits and possibly criminal prosecution for Biden. "Joe Biden better hope and pray there’s presidential immunity," Graham warned.

The Supreme Court's upcoming ruling on presidential immunity could have significant implications. If the court decides that presidents can be prosecuted, Biden may be held accountable for the consequences of his administration's border policies.

Graham's Criticism of Biden's Policies

Throughout the interview, Graham was critical of Biden's overall approach to governance. He pointed to various crises, including the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, as evidence of what he views as Biden's failures. Graham emphasized that the border crisis is just one aspect of broader national and international challenges under Biden's leadership.

Graham also dismissed claims that Americans are safer under Biden's administration compared to Trump's. He referenced comments made by Sen. Chris Coons, a Democrat, who suggested that Americans are safer now. Graham called such claims "silly" and "dangerously wrong."

The Importance of the Supreme Court's Decision

The forthcoming Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity is crucial. If the court rules against immunity, it could set a precedent for holding presidents accountable for their actions while in office. Graham's comments highlight the potential for significant legal and political ramifications for Biden.

Graham's statements have sparked discussions about presidential accountability and the limits of executive power. The case of Laken Riley and similar incidents have intensified debates about the handling of the border crisis and its impact on public safety.


In conclusion, Sen. Lindsey Graham's remarks about President Joe Biden facing potential criminal prosecution hinge on the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity.

Graham criticized Biden's handling of the border crisis, highlighting safety concerns and specific cases like the murder of Laken Riley.

The upcoming Supreme Court decision could have significant implications for presidential accountability and the legal ramifications of executive actions. The debate continues as the nation awaits the court's ruling.