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Greek Orthodox monk says King Charles has sought his guidance

 February 26, 2024

A Greek Orthodox monk has asserted that King Charles sought his spiritual counsel following his recent cancer diagnosis.

The 75-year-old monarch received this unexpected news during a recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement, as the Daily Mail reported

Allegedly, the king clandestinely reached out to Archimandrite Ephraim for guidance on how to deal with the situation.

Notably, the cleric is something with whom Charles has reportedly maintained a friendship for over 25 years.

A Royal-Spiritual Connection

The king and the Abbot are believed to have developed a strong bond following Princess Diana's death in 1997.

Although Elder Ephraim, 67, has never publicly discussed his relationship with the monarch, The Sun has reported that he stated the king reached out to him following his diagnosis.

The Abbot said, "Charles has a spiritual sophistication, a spiritual life."

"Yes, he has been in contact since the diagnosis and I believe he'll overcome it," he added.

The king's quest for spiritual fulfillment has often led him to the serene settings of Mount Athos, where he enjoys the tranquility of the Vatopedi monastery.

There, the royal can immerse himself in meditation, prayer, and the monastery's ancient rituals.

A source told The Sun, 'There are no distractions so he can meditate, pray and follow ancient rituals like getting up a 4 a.m. to follow the liturgy which he absolutely adores."

Royal Resilience and Public Support

Despite his diagnosis, King Charles has not stepped back from his royal duties, maintaining his commitment to state business and official responsibilities.

The disclosure of his health condition, according to Buckingham Palace, aims to foster public understanding and empathy for those globally affected by cancer.

It is also hoped that the king's diagnosis will shed light on the importance of routine checkups and early detection of serious diseases.

Heartwarmingly, the monarch shared the overwhelming support and messages of encouragement he had received, noting their emotional impact.

During a recent engagement with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the king's spirits were notably high, showcasing his enduring sense of humor and dedication to his royal obligations despite his health challenges.

This meeting underscored the collective support the monarch has, and presumably, will continue to receive as he battles illness.