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Harris Attempts to Create Distance from Biden

 October 7, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris is navigating a complex political landscape, balancing her role in the Biden administration while positioning herself for the upcoming election as the GOP seeks to link her closely with the president.

Harris is attempting to strike a careful balance, aiming to differentiate her candidacy from the current administration without completely distancing herself from -- and potentially angering -- Biden, as the Washington Examiner reports

The vice president, seeking to maintain her loyalty to Biden, has been trying to craft a distinct political identity. Top aides have stated that she wishes to keep some distance from Biden to enhance her electoral prospects.

Yet, she remains closely involved in the administration’s initiatives, as evidenced by President Biden's frequent commendations of her contributions to the administration.

Biden Praises Harris's White House Role

During a recent debate, former President Donald Trump’s assertion that Harris is synonymous with Biden was met with a sharp retort. Harris clarified her individuality by stating, “Clearly, I am not Joe Biden,” countering efforts to conflate her identity with the president. Meanwhile, Biden lauded Harris's instrumental role in achieving legislative successes that were previously deemed unattainable.

Despite their collaboration, Biden and Harris have made minimal joint appearances on the campaign trail. One notable exception occurred in September, when they visited Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to advocate for U.S. Steel to remain domestically owned. This demonstrates the administration's strategic blend of governance and campaigning efforts.

Harris Counters GOP Criticism Over Policy

Harris has also addressed policy criticisms head-on, as highlighted by a Trump campaign advertisement in Michigan.

The ad claimed that Harris seeks to end gas-powered vehicles, prompting her to clarify her stance against mandates on vehicle choices.

This response aligns with the administration’s environmental objectives rooted in EPA regulations aiming for widespread adoption of electric and hybrid vehicles by 2032.

The Republican strategy has increasingly involved invoking Harris’s name in discussions related to the administration.

Examples include referring to the administration as either the “Harris administration” or “Harris-Biden administration.” Such tactics have intensified since Harris became the Democratic nominee.

Harris's Name Surfaces in Republican Reports

The New York Times noted that as Republican tactics evolve, a recent report on the Afghanistan withdrawal by Republican Rep. Michael McCaul amplified Harris’s visibility.

The report included Harris’s name 251 times post-nomination, contrasting sharply with its earlier iterations. This indicates the GOP’s intent to underscore Harris’s role in the administration’s decisions and policies.

Sen. J.D. Vance further exemplified this approach by frequently mentioning “Kamala Harris administration” during the vice-presidential debate. This rhetorical shift embodies an emerging Republican narrative as they spotlight Harris’s influence.

Interest Rates and Economic Positioning

Harris has similarly asserted her economic viewpoints, especially regarding the Federal Reserve's interest rate adjustments.

Following a September rate cut, Harris issued a statement acknowledging the reduction’s benefits while emphasizing continued efforts to alleviate inflation’s impact.

President Biden’s subsequent speech mirrored Harris's sentiments, illustrating the administration’s unified, yet nuanced, economic messaging.

Further complicating the political landscape, Republicans, including Vance, have attributed rising interest rates to Harris's policies despite the administration’s complex economic strategies.