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Hillary Clinton Criticized By Glenn Greenwald For Attacking Young People's Views On Israel-Gaza

 May 12, 2024

Journalist Glenn Greenwald has lashed out at Hillary Clinton for her disparaging comments about young Americans' understanding of Israel and Gaza, escalating tensions between the former Secretary of State and younger, pro-Palestinian activists.

Greenwald accuses Clinton of dismissing young people’s insights on Middle East issues due to past political setbacks, Daily Mail reported.

Hillary Clinton told MSNBC that young people lack an understanding of Middle East history, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict dynamics. She noted their ignorance of pivotal negotiations and agreements shaping today's geopolitics.

Recalling her husband's efforts at Camp David in 2000, Clinton cited a notable proposal to Yasser Arafat. Had it been accepted, it could've paved the way for Palestinian statehood.

The proposed peace deal offered Palestinians 96% of their occupied territory, plus 4% of Israeli land to meet their territorial needs.

Greenwald Points To Clinton’s Political Disappointments

Glenn Greenwald, renowned for investigative journalism, notably on Edward Snowden's revelations at The Guardian, sharply replied to Clinton's remarks.

On, he attributed Clinton’s criticism not just to a generational gap but to her waning appeal to younger voters during her presidential bids in 2008 and 2016.

Greenwald argued that Clinton's critique stems from her bitterness over losing support to Barack Obama and later Bernie Sanders, describing her as "embittered" and "miserable."

According to Greenwald, Clinton's comments indicate a deeper discord with younger generations, especially those valuing a nuanced grasp of global affairs, including Gaza.

Recent Protests at Columbia University Amplify Criticism

Clinton’s remarks sparked more controversy amid recent events at Columbia University, where she faced pro-Palestinian protests. Demonstrators accused her of being a “war criminal” due to her foreign policy actions.

Protestors also criticized her involvement in military interventions during her time as Secretary of State, linking them to ongoing conflicts like the recent Gaza turmoil following a Hamas attack on Israel on October 7.

This protest reflects a broader sentiment among some youth groups increasingly vocal about international justice and America’s global role.

Understanding the Historical Context of Clinton's Claims

Understanding Hillary Clinton’s commentary involves revisiting the 2000 Camp David Summit, a crucial attempt at peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine. Clinton emphasized that the offer to Arafat aimed at establishing a viable Palestinian state.

However, the talks' failure, attributed to both sides, led to heightened tensions and the start of the Second Intifada. This period saw a notable escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict following the breakdown of potential peace deals.

As Clinton highlighted, had the 2000 peace agreement been accepted, a Palestinian state might have existed for around 24 years, potentially reshaping today's political landscape significantly.

Impact of Clinton’s Comments on Public Perception

Clinton's remarks and the ensuing fallout highlight a persistent generational and ideological gap in American politics, especially regarding foreign policy.

Many young Americans, especially those supporting Palestinian rights, view Clinton's stance as representing older, more traditional perspectives conflicting with progressive ideals.

Supporters of Clinton may argue her comments aimed to stress the importance of historical awareness among youth for comprehending complex global issues.

The debate mirrors broader societal tensions on how history informs contemporary policies and what constitutes fair criticism of foreign policy.

In conclusion, Hillary Clinton’s recent remarks, critiqued by journalist Glenn Greenwald, have sparked heated discussions on young Americans' historical knowledge, their political influence, and the enduring Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The backlash highlights ongoing debates about generational gaps and the role of historical understanding in addressing current international challenges.