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Hillary Clinton Criticized for Calling Trump a 'Danger' After Attempt on His Life

 September 24, 2024

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's recent criticism of Donald Trump has ignited a firestorm among conservatives and supporters of the former president.

In a recent MSNBC interview with Rachel Maddow, while promoting her new book, Clinton called the former president "a danger to the country and the world," and her statement has drawn sharp criticism, especially considering that it was made soon after an assassination attempt on Trump, as the Daily Mail reports.

During the interview, Clinton criticized what she perceived as the media's inability to maintain a consistent narrative about Trump's threat level.

She highlighted the shifting focus on serious issues and Trump's knack for staying in the media spotlight due to what she said were his offensive statements.

Conservative Outrage Over Clinton's Comments

The backlash was swift, with accusations from Trump supporters that Clinton's words could incite further violence. Donald Trump Jr., the former president's son, accused her of "purposely fanning the violent left-wing flames to put his life further in danger."

Conservative commentator Liz Wheeler echoed this sentiment, suggesting Clinton's rhetoric was linked to previous assassination attempts on Trump. Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, was recently arrested for such an attempt while Trump was playing golf in Palm Beach, Florida.

Clinton's comments also touched on broader issues, including the media's role in Trump's prominence. She argued that the press has struggled to adequately cover Trump, bouncing from one scandal to another without proper scrutiny.

Media's Role in Political Coverage Criticized

Maddow, the host of the interview, discussed how Trump's tendency to provoke controversy has helped him dominate the media landscape. Clinton agreed, stressing that this tendency often overshadows more critical coverage.

She also criticized the press for being overly harsh on President Biden's debate performance while failing to hold Trump accountable for his actions, including his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his dealings with international dictators.

During the interview, the former secretary of State mentioned the Russian disinformation operations and the recent U.S. actions against them, highlighting the complexity of the current political landscape.

Clinton's Warnings About Trump's Influence

Clinton expressed deep concerns about Trump's influence on the country's political and social fabric.

"We can't go back and give this very dangerous man another chance to harm our country and the world," she stated.

Her remarks also included criticism of Trump's qualifications for the presidency, citing his past actions and the continuous danger she believes he poses.

The discussion extended to the U.S. intelligence reports she said confirmed Russian intentions to reinstall Trump in the White House, pointing to what she feels is a broader issue of foreign interference in American politics.

Trump's Influence on Political Narratives

The interview encapsulated a wide range of topics but centered heavily on Trump's ongoing influence in political narratives.

Clinton's fierce critique of the former president and what she said was the media's complicity in his political survival were central themes.

As the debate over her comments continues, the political divide in the country appears even more pronounced, with each side holding firmly to its narrative.

The controversy over Clinton's remarks underscores the volatile nature of American political discourse, particularly in the aftermath of violence directed at political figures.