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Hillary Clinton Opens Up About 50 Years of Marriage With Bill: ‘We’ve Had Ups and Downs’

 September 23, 2024

Hillary Clinton is sharing candid reflections on her nearly 50-year marriage to former President Bill Clinton, acknowledging both the joys and challenges they’ve faced together.

In an interview aired Sunday morning on CNN, the former Secretary of State spoke openly about the difficult periods in their relationship, including the well-known scandal during Bill Clinton’s presidency in 1998.

According to Fox News, Clinton discussed how the couple overcame personal and political obstacles over the years while highlighting the deep bond they continue to share.

Married on October 11, 1975, the Clintons have long been one of America’s most prominent political couples. Next year will mark their 50th wedding anniversary, a milestone that Hillary Clinton is both reflective about and grateful for, despite the tumultuous times they’ve faced. In her interview, she alluded to "dark periods" in their marriage without directly mentioning Monica Lewinsky, the White House intern involved in the affair that nearly derailed Bill Clinton’s presidency.

The 1998 Scandal and Its Aftermath

The impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998 over his affair with Lewinsky marked a pivotal moment in both their personal lives and American politics. Authorities charged Bill Clinton with lying under oath and obstructing justice.

In her recent interview, Hillary Clinton spoke about the "deep hurt" she felt during this time but also framed the impeachment process as a politically motivated effort to remove her husband from office.

“I knew that this was a political ploy to try to drive Bill out of office," she said, explaining her frustration with what she viewed as the hypocrisy of certain members of Congress. Despite her anger and confusion during that period, she remained by her husband's side, ultimately making decisions based on what was right for her family and her own life.

Support From Friends Helped Clinton Cope

Hillary Clinton also reflects on the crucial support she received from her friends during that challenging time. She describes how lifelong friends rallied around her at the White House, offering comfort and a sense of solidarity as she navigated one of the most difficult periods of her life.

“I am incredibly grateful to my friends,” she said, adding that her decision to stay in the marriage was deeply personal. "Nobody really knows what happens in a marriage except the two people in it," Clinton emphasized, stressing that every couple faces ups and downs and that people must make decisions that are right for them.

Clinton Focuses on Gratitude and Playfulness

Despite the painful memories, Hillary Clinton speaks warmly about the life she and Bill have built together since those tumultuous years. The former first lady describes their current relationship as one filled with gratitude and playfulness. She mentions how they begin each day with a game of spelling bee, a lighthearted routine that brings them joy.

“We just have a good time,” she shared. “We’ve lived together for nearly 50 years, and that’s what’s right for us.”

Clinton reflects on their ability to move forward as a couple after the scandal with a sense of personal satisfaction. Although the public eye tested their marriage, she takes pride in the fact that they emerged from the crisis with a stronger bond.

Marriage, Politics, and Resilience

The impeachment crisis of 1998 posed not only a personal challenge for the Clintons but also a deeply political one. Hillary Clinton noted in her interview that she viewed the impeachment as a calculated attempt by Republicans to undermine Bill Clinton’s presidency.

While grappling with the personal pain of her husband’s betrayal, she also felt enraged by what she saw as the politically motivated cruelty of those in Congress.

On the personal front, Clinton explained that she made decisions about her marriage based on what was best for her and her family. She pointedly remarked that no outside observer could fully understand the complexities of another person’s marriage.

A Look Toward the Future

As their 50th wedding anniversary approaches, Hillary Clinton expresses gratitude for the life she and Bill have shared. She notes that they now enjoy spending time with their grandchildren and appreciate the time they have to reflect on the life they’ve built.

Though public scrutiny and private pain have marked their marriage, Clinton emphasizes that the enduring strength of their relationship matters most to them today. As she looks forward to their milestone anniversary next year, she remains thankful for the support system of friends and family who have stood by her over the years.

Hillary Clinton’s reflections remind us that, even after decades in the spotlight, the complexities of marriage are deeply personal and, as she says, “nobody really knows what happens in a marriage except the two people in it.”