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Subpoenas Issued to Key Biden Agency Over Voter Registration Efforts

 May 8, 2024

The House Committee on Small Business has issued a subpoena to the Small Business Administration (SBA), raising concerns about a voter registration initiative in Michigan.

The committee alleges that this Biden-initiated program diverts agency focus from its core mission and could breach constitutional limits, as Fox News reports.

In a recent development, the committee, led by Chair Roger Williams, subpoenaed two high-ranking officials from the SBA. This action stems from their failure to provide essential documentation and appear for scheduled interviews concerning the agency's recent activities in Michigan.

Scrutiny Over Voter Registration Collaboration

The controversy centers on what the committee describes as a "first-of-its-kind collaboration" between the SBA and the Michigan Department of State to boost voter registration.

This initiative is set to continue through Jan. 1, 2036, following an executive order from President Biden in 2021 aimed at enhancing voter access.

This move by the SBA has sparked intense scrutiny and criticism, with opponents arguing that it primarily benefits the Democratic Party. The focus of these initiatives, notably in Detroit and other urban centers, aligns closely with areas that are strategic to the Democratic National Committee.

Committee's First Subpoena to SBA Raises Eyebrows

This subpoena marks the first time in its history that the House Committee on Small Business has taken such a step against the SBA. The escalation comes after an investigative effort by the committee unveiled a targeted approach in the voter registration drives, predominantly in locales with significant populations of identified Democratic voters.

Williams expressed frustration over the necessity of the subpoenas, emphasizing the deviation from the SBA's primary mission of aiding small businesses. "The fact that we are having to issue subpoenas to speak with SBA officials is extremely disappointing," Williams remarked.

Allegations of Misuse of SBA Resources

Further, the committee argues that the SBA's actions may represent a misallocation of its resources, which should be dedicated to supporting small enterprises rather than engaging in activities that could be seen as politically motivated.

Rep. Dan Meuser also criticized the initiative, labeling it "a blatant attempt by the Biden administration to illegally use the SBA as an extension of the president’s campaign."

Officials from the SBA, including chief of staff Arthur Plews and special adviser Tyler Robinson, were particularly targeted for failing to disclose details of their involvement with the Michigan Department of State. The committee demands that these documents be turned over and testimony be provided to clarify the extent of the SBA's engagement in this voter registration effort.

Federal Agencies Accused of Political Manipulation

Critics, including Jason Snead, executive director of the Honest Elections Project, have accused the Biden administration of manipulating federal agency resources for political gain. "This is the latest example of the Biden administration’s ongoing efforts to manipulate the levers of the federal government for political advantage," stated Snead.

Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson echoed these concerns, highlighting the broader implications of such maneuvers on the constitutional integrity of federal operations. He described the administration's actions as efforts to "weaponize every federal agency into voter registration and GOTV arms of the Democratic Party."

Detailed Investigation and Accountability Measures

The committee has expressed a firm commitment to investigate these matters thoroughly and hold those responsible accountable. It is determined to uncover the specifics of who authorized these initiatives and how widespread such practices might be across other federal agencies.

"We are demanding documents and testimony from the SBA, and we will get answers for the American people. This is a scandal and yet another illegal action from President Biden," stated Meuser, underscoring the gravity of the situation as perceived by the committee.

Conclusion: A Call for Transparency and Oversight

In conclusion, the issuance of subpoenas by the House Committee on Small Business marks a significant step in addressing concerns over the SBA's involvement in voter registration efforts that may stray from its foundational mission.

The committee is poised to ensure that federal agencies remain apolitical, focusing on their primary objectives without unconstitutional diversions.

This unfolding situation underscores the ongoing debates over the integrity and role of government resources in electoral processes.