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Homeland Security Report Shows August Spike in Illegal Immigration

 September 24, 2024

The House Homeland Security Committee’s Republican members have released a new fact sheet highlighting a significant increase in illegal immigration encounters under the Biden-Harris administration, and the data points to a sharp contrast with the immigration numbers during the Trump administration, raising concerns about the effectiveness of current border policies.

The report shows a dramatic rise in immigration numbers, with 10.3 million encounters under the current Biden-Harris administration compared to 3.1 million during the Trump era, as the Daily Wire reports.

Republican lawmakers have pointed out that these numbers do not include an estimated two million "gotaways" who evaded apprehension at the border since Fiscal Year 2021. This report, they argue, showcases the challenges the U.S. continues to face with illegal immigration at the southern border.

Encounters Surge in August

According to the report, nearly 159,000 immigration encounters occurred nationwide in August 2023, including over 107,000 at the Southwest border. This figure represents a more than 3% increase from July's total. Despite recent policy changes, the Biden administration has seen monthly encounters consistently exceed 90,000 since February 2023.

Additionally, more than 1.3 million inadmissible aliens have been allowed entry since January 2023 under the CBP One and Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan (CHNV) parole programs. Republicans criticize these programs, arguing they are contributing to the rising numbers and undermining border security.

Kamala Harris Defends Record Amid Criticism

Vice President Kamala Harris, who has faced intense scrutiny over her role in handling the immigration crisis, defended her record in late July. Amid criticism from both sides of the political spectrum, Harris emphasized her past work as California attorney general and her ongoing efforts at the federal level.

“I walked underground tunnels between the United States and Mexico on that border with law enforcement officers,” Harris said, highlighting her experience with combating drug cartels and human trafficking. She also noted her prosecution of international gangs involved in illegal activities along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Republicans Target Harris's Leadership

Despite Harris's defense, Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee continued to place blame on the administration's policies, especially targeting Harris’s leadership as “border czar.” The committee criticized the CHNV parole program, stating that more than 530,000 individuals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela have been paroled under the program.

The fact sheet also revealed a growing number of individuals on the terrorist watchlist being apprehended at the border. Since Fiscal Year 2021, 388 illegal aliens on the terrorist watchlist have been caught attempting to enter the U.S. between ports of entry at both the Southwest and northern borders.

Immigration Numbers Under Biden Versus Trump

Comparing the Biden and Trump administrations, the report paints a stark picture of the ongoing border crisis. The 10.3 million encounters under Biden's tenure greatly overshadow the 3.1 million reported during Trump’s administration from Fiscal Years 2017 to 2020.

The Republicans emphasized that the current administration’s policies, including mass-parole programs, have contributed to the record-breaking numbers. “Monthly encounters at ports of entry alone have not totaled fewer than 90,000 since February 2023,” they stated.

America First Legal Weighs in on Harris’s History

America First Legal, a conservative advocacy group, also weighed in on Harris’s past as California attorney general. They pointed to her efforts to resist federal immigration enforcement, particularly by defending San Francisco’s sanctuary-city policies and opposing California's participation in the federal Secure Communities program.

The organization claims that Harris's past actions interfered with federal efforts to deport criminal aliens, further complicating the current crisis at the border.

Continued Pressure on Administration

The fact sheet’s release comes at a time when the Biden administration is facing mounting pressure to address the border crisis more effectively. Critics argue that the administration’s approach, particularly its reliance on parole programs like CBP One and CHNV, is not working.

Republicans have called for tougher border enforcement measures and a reevaluation of the policies that they believe are contributing to the influx of illegal immigration.

Looking Ahead to Future Immigration Policies

As the debate over immigration continues, both sides of the aisle are bracing for further discussions on how to handle the ongoing border crisis. The Biden administration is likely to face continued criticism from Republicans, while Vice President Harris may be pressed to provide more details on her strategy moving forward.

With numbers continuing to rise, the administration’s approach to border security will remain a key issue as the 2024 presidential election approaches.


The Homeland Security fact sheet released by Republican lawmakers has reignited debates over the handling of illegal immigration in the U.S.

The Biden-Harris administration has seen record-high numbers of encounters at the southern border, a trend that shows no signs of slowing.

Vice President Kamala Harris, in particular, has come under fire for her role in managing the immigration crisis, though she continues to defend her record.  As the situation at the border evolves, pressure will likely increase on the administration to take decisive action.